
Official papers and conferences:

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Kortárs Magyar Próza
Molnár T. Eszter új regényében mindannyiunk napjai meg vannak számozva

An Ecology and Geology of Media
New Trends Attributed To Climate Change, 
From Weather Reports to Literature

Flash Fiction: a New Trend in Literature
The Beach in Stephen King’s Night Surf

An Interdisciplinary Approach to American English
Examining Hawaiian Creole as a Regional Dialect

Az Itáliai Civilizáció
Accademia D'Ungheria In Roma - Római Magyar Akadémia

Olaszország Kultúrföldrajza
La Leggenda dei Monti Naviganti di Paolo Rumiz

Scholarly Writing
Last essay on the BA level

American Literature 4:
Presentation on 20th century drama

American Language Development
"The Adventures Of Captain Comic-Con"

American Literature 4:
An analysis of how the city is adapted from the book of 
Jay McInerney into the movie

Media And Advertisement:
When The Background Moves Into The Foreground:
The evolution of product placements in the past 20 years

History of the USA I.
Lecture Notes

Content Based Language Development, Tourism
Restaurant Recommendation

Modern Literature
English literature from 1890 until the 1960s

Popular Sciences In The Media

Workshop: Múltkép
Check out the article on the school website here!

Workshop: From A Vampire On Stage To Dubbing In A Blink Of An Eye
Check out the article on the school website here!

(Presentation) English In The Arts: Manga Artist Tsukasa Hojo

Language Practice: Reported Speech

*A HW az pont ugyanolyan mint a magyarban a HF: házi feladat. Az egyetemen számtalan olyan feladatot kapunk, aminek értelme is van és nagyon jó megcsinálni. Egyébként is szeretek írni, és vannak olyan munkák, amikre kimondottan büszke vagyok. Mivel ezek se nem film van képregény kritikák, ezért külön szeretném venni őket. Remélem lesz egy kis időtök és elolvassátok őket. / At the university we have plenty of classes that assign homeworks that are plenty of fun to do. Seeing that these are not film or comic reviews, I decided to make and extra page for them. I am proud of a couple of them so I decided to share them with you, hope you have a couple of minutes to read them. / HW significa 'compiti per casa' in inglese. All'universitá abbiamo tante ore dove facciamo lavori delle quali sono molto fiera. Siccome queste non sono critiche, ho deciso di metterli in una pagina apparte.

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