My Lists

Mindig is furcsa volt a kritikák közé besorolni a film vagy zene listákat, amiket csinálok az évek során, ezért úgy döntöttem helyet szorítok nekik az oldalak között. (Idősorrendben: a legutolsó legfelül!) / There was always something weird about adding lists of my favorites onto the list of reviews. So I decided to make place for them on a separate page. (According to posting: Newest on top!) / C'era sempre qualcosa di strano nel mettere le mie liste di preferiti insieme alle critiche che scrivo. Quindi ho deciso di creare una pagina apparte. (In ordine di apparenza: il piú recente in alto!)
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The Best Disney Sequels
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10 Sequels That Are Better Than the Original
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Top 10 Best Movies From The 00's
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Top 10 Musical Scenes from Movies
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My Top 10 Movie Soundtracks
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My Top 10 Underrated CD Tracks
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10+ Movies That Will 
Take You To Paradise
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5 Of The Worst Christmas 
Movies I Have Ever Seen
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My 10 Favorite TV Show Characters

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Kedvenc Magyar Filmjeim
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20 TV Shows I Wish Had One More Season
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My 5 Favorite Cooking Shows
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My Top 3 Favorite James Bond Movies
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My Top 15 Favorite Music Videos
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My Top 10+1 TV Show Christmas Specials
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The 5 Best Christmas Carol Adaptations
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My Top 15 Halloween Television Specials
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Top 10 Best Movies From The 90's
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My Top 5 Favorite Manga
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My Top 20 Favorite Actresses
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Top 10 Best Movies Of The 80's
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My Top 15 Favorite Anime
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My Top 15 Favorite Actors
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My Top 15 Christmas Movies
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My Top 10 Favorite Halloween Movies
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My Top 5 Favorite Halloween Songs
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A List Of The Best Marvel Cartoons

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My Top 5 Favorite DC Characters
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My Top 10 Favorite Marvel Characters
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My Top 15 Favorite Christmas Songs
A magyar verzióhoz ide klikkelj! 
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