I wrote it and then directed it as well:
(Zene klippek - Music videos - Video musicali)
Ellie Goulding "The Writer" cimű dalára készült videó klippem.
Stop-motion technikával készült videó.
My version for the music video of the song "The Writer"
by Ellie Goulding in stop-motion.
La mia versione della canzone di Ellie Goulding intitolata "The Writer" creata con la tecnica di stop-motion, usando foto.
"Romeó és Júlia ... Sosem találkoztak." Ezt a videómat 2012 nyarán forgattuk. Mivel a videón kívül még a bakiparádé és a werkfilmet is szerettem volna ha megnézitek, ezért ha a képre klikkeltek akkor megtaláljátok az angol nyelvű werkfilm szövegét és ott pedig a videókat. Ha csak a klipet szeretnétek, akkor a lenti linkre klikkeljetek!
This video of mine was made in the summer of 2012. Please click on the picture to read the English version of "making of". To see the music video click on the link below!
"Romeo e Giulietta ... Non si erano mai conosciuti." Questo mio video é stato realizzato nell'estate del 2012. Per vedere il video clicca sul link qui sotto. Se invece vuoi leggere sul come é stato realizzato il video, clicca sull'immagine - ma attenzione! La scritta é in inglese!
A trilógia vége. Tiziano Ferro "La Tua Vita Non Passerá", azaz "A Te Életed Nem Fog Elmúlni" című dalának készült klippemet az alábbi linken megnézhetitek, vagy a képre klikkelve olvashattok a háttér sztoriról angolul!
The end of the romantic trilogies. This video was made to the music and lyrics of Tiziano Ferro's "Your Life Won't Pass By". To see the video click onto the link below and to read about the behind the scenes, click onto the picture!
La fine della trilogia di video romantici! Questa és stata diretta usando la canzone "La Tua Vita Non Passerá" di Tiziano Ferro (2008). Per vedere il video clicca sul link, e per ridere (in inglese) su come abbiamo fatto questo video, clicca sulla foto!
Ez egy kis projekt volt, első hangos videóm, amit rendeztem és írtam is. A gondolat mögötte egyszerű volt, sok egyetemi barátommal agyalunk azon, hogy merre tovább, mik a céljaink és ezt akartam egy fajta film reklámba beleépíteni. Maga a film nem tudom elkészül-e valaha, az még a jövő zenéje! Több információért klikkelj ide vagy a linkre!
For more information click here or onto the link below! This is my first short that had actual sound, with the script and direction both by me. The idea came to me one night after me and a lot of my friends from university started pondering about life and our dreams. I wanted to transform this into a movie, but instead the format is just that of a longer trailer. I'm not sure if I'll ever get to make the movie, we'll see!
'Első Lépés' egy lány története, akinek a világa bele akarja kényszeríteni valamibe, ami nem ő. Hogy ki ő pontosan, még maga is keresi, de fontos, hogy a saját utját járhassa.
'First step' is a story about a girl whose family and friends are forcing into a life she doesn't want. She is yet unclear on what it is she does want, but as long as she can march to her own beat, it does not matter.
Click on the picture for the playlist or on the titles below for the individual videos!
- London (2010)
- Paris (2009)
- Prague (2008)
- Tihany - The Hungarian Sea
- At the London Aquarium
- Friends, Party, Roma (2010)
- Rome: The Four Year Long Promise
- Rome With The Girls
- Schönen Wien
- First Snow in Budapest, 2008
- A Vaporetto In Venezia
- Fireworks at the Saint Angel Castle (Rome, 2011)
- Merveilleuse Bruxelles
- Bella Italia
- Tihany - Balatoni Nyár (2014)
- Tihany - "A Tihanyi Révnél..." (2015)
- Zamárdi Hálidéj (2016)
- Nyár a Balatonnál (2017)
- Things We Do On Holiday (2020)
- Balatoni Bulika (2019/2018/2020)
(Videóversenyek és iskolai projektek - Video contests and school projects - Concorsi e lavori scolastici)
Egy tolerancia témájú videóversenyre készített videóm, amit a Magyarországi Amerikai Nagykövetség hirdetett meg.
Video made for contest assigned by the American Embassy in Hungary,
on the subject of "Tolerance".
Un video preparato per una gara posta dall'Ambasciata Americana in Ungheria sulla tema della "Tolleranza".
Un video preparato per una gara posta dall'Ambasciata Americana in Ungheria sulla tema della "Tolleranza".
Videó, ami az "Amerikai Irodalom 4." órámra készült, ahol csoporttársamról a 20.-ik századi drámáról tartottunk kiselőadást. Ez volt az előszó.
Video prepared for my "American Literature 4." class, where me and my classmate presented the topic of 20th drama. This video was our prelude.
Video preparato per la lezione intitolata "Letterature Americana 4.", dove io e la mia compagna abbiamo fatto una presentazione sul drama del ventesimo secolo.
Questo era il preludio.
Fordítások - Translations:
Le mie canzoni preferite tradotte e sottotitolate in Ungherese.
A kedvenc olasz dalaim feliratozva és magyarra fordítva.
Video prepared for my "American Literature 4." class, where me and my classmate presented the topic of 20th drama. This video was our prelude.
Video preparato per la lezione intitolata "Letterature Americana 4.", dove io e la mia compagna abbiamo fatto una presentazione sul drama del ventesimo secolo.
Questo era il preludio.
Fan Videos:
Click on the picture for the playlist or on the titles below for the individual videos!
(The list below only contains the ones I did myself, for all of them - including my sister's work - do click on the picture!)
(The list below only contains the ones I did myself, for all of them - including my sister's work - do click on the picture!)
- Doctor Who & River Song (Nickelback - If Today Was Your Last Day)
- Farewell video to ONE TREE HILL
- Lost - Season 5 (Growing Old Is Getting Old)
- La Boum - A Tribute To Sophie Marceau
- The Hunger Games (Take That - Kidz)
- Catching Fire (Fall Out Boy - Alone Together)
- The O.C. (Season Three Finale)
- One Tree Hill (Season Three Finale)
- Into The Blue
Fordítások - Translations:
Le mie canzoni preferite tradotte e sottotitolate in Ungherese.
A kedvenc olasz dalaim feliratozva és magyarra fordítva.
Click on the picture for the playlist or on the titles below for the individual videos!
- Irene Grandi - Ma
- Tiziano Ferro feat. Baby K - Killer
- Dolcenera - Niente Al Mondo
- Gianluca Grignani - Non Voglio Essere Un Fenomeno
- Ivana Spagna - So Volare
- Nek feat. Laura Pausini - Sei Solo Tu
- Tiziano Ferro - Ti Scatteró Una Foto
- Povia - É Cosi Sei Nell'Aria
- Fabrizio Moro - Non É Facile
- Marco Mengoni - Pronto a Correre
- Ligabue - Tu Sei Lei
- Alex Britti - Solo Una Volta (O Tutta La Vita)
- Enrico Sognato - E Io Ci Penso Ancora
- Daniele Silvestri - Sempre Di Domenica
- Gianni Morandi - Così Vanno Le Cose
VZsombee and CsorEsz co-productions:
Click on the picture for the playlist.
Ezeket a filmeket megtalálod az alábbi linken is. You can also find these videos on the link below. Puoi trovare questi video anche sul link sotto.