The story is about one specific Christmas night, when Santa missed a child during his night of deliveries. This specific child is a little girl from England, who's letter to Santa was answered by Arthur, Santa's second born. We see that Santa gets help from the elves, who deliver presents simultaneously in order to finish on time. Steve, the first born, is back at mission control on the North Pole, while Grandsanta watches the delivery through television where Arthur joins him. Steve expects that his father, after his 70th mission will pass on the job of Santa to him and finally retire, when he doesn't, Steve grows angry. It is after their family Christmas Eve dinner that Steve gets a call that one of the children were missed and they hadn't gotten their present.
Arthur goes crazy with worry, it just cannot be that someone was missed. He tries to find a solution, but Steve and Santa tell him off. Grandsanta comes around and shows him the old sleigh. It was supposed to be burned years ago, when the S-1 plane was constructed, but Grandsanta hid it along with eight reindeer, descendants of the first ones. He and Arthur decide to use the sleigh to deliver this last present. They use magic powder for the reindeer and on board they discover one elf from wrapping, who wished to accompany them, to make sure the gift arrives properly wrapped.
Santa is woken up when all the other elves find out that a child has been missed and he sets out with his wife to help Arthur. Steve joins them, finally we find out that he has plenty to be pissed about. Santa is actually an awful father, who doesn't know his children in the very least. Even Grandsanta has a better relationship with them, even though he always fights with Steve over the technological updates that he made around the Pole. At the end, they all meet up at this little girl's house to deliver the present and for the first time watch together the joy of a little child opening her present on Christmas morning. It is in that moment that Santa realizes he is too old and Steve sees in Arthur something he isn't quite cut out for.
This movie was wonderful because it shows that we all have that tiny bit of jealousy in us, concerning our family and siblings, but it doesn't mean that we love them any less or that we don't wish them the absolute best. It also doesn't mean that we wouldn't put everything aside to help them. Actually, we would! This movie was funny, sweet and very touching. It is indeed the dealings of a family where men are in abundance and they all just need to grow up, even if one of them is already over 132 years old!
Every Christmas cartoon should have a message, and the message is quite clear in this one. Great comedic timing, wonderful casting choices and not to mention, CHRISTMASSY! I ate gingerbread cookies and milk while watching it and boy-oh-boy, was I touched by this magical tale! Songs, characters, decorations and all together a great mood creator! I also fell in love with Steve... he is so cute! I liked his goatee :D
Even if not this year, make sure you check this one out if you have little ones in the house, or if you simply wish to have some holiday fun!
I have previously discussed my favorite Christmas movies on a long list, this movie is actually something I want to add now... I don't wish to change my list for the time being, but it would be between place 4 and 5. Also, if you check out the list, I have talked about Doctor Who Christmas Specials, this year's, "The Snowmen" was by far the best of them all! Make sure you put that on your own list of things to watch! If you wish to read my list, click here!
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Arthur - James McAvoy
Steve - Hugh Laurie
Grandsanta - Bill Nighy
Santa - Jim Broadbent
Mrs. Santa - Imelda Staunton
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