Friday, April 20, 2012

My Poems: Panorama

Az összes versem megtalálhatod a "My Poems" oldalon, ahol nyelv szerint színekkel el vannak választva! You can find all of my poems on the page of the same name, where they are color coordinated based on the language they were written in. Puoi trovare le mie poesie sulla pagina "My Poems" dove sono colorate in base alla lingua nella quale le ho scritte.
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I showed it-- I showed it to you tonight,
That magnificent view of the Danube that I like.

Black river in the background,
A steel fence to hold onto in the foreground.

Lights mirrored on the surface, yellow, 
White, orange, and in the air, there was something mellow.

I told you about the first time I knew,
I knew that out of all I only wanted you.

No more could I feel the cold breeze,
Even if moments before I thought I would freeze.

Then in my eyes the picture clicked, 
It all fit perfect - in a second it synched.

I had to take you to see that my favorite sight:
Was of You, with a city behind shining bright.

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