Friday, July 15, 2011

Blogger: My Book

Az első könyvem 2008 novemberében kezdem írni, és a következő év júliusában fejeztem be. Az első művem, tele hibákkal persze, de ennek ellenére nagyon büszke vagyok rá és örülök, hogy ki tudtam írni magamból minden gondolatom. Ha szeretsz írni, bármi is legyen az oka, akkor kapj fel egy tollat most azonnal! Nem kell bestsellernek lenni, de még az is lehet, hogy van ott valami!
Ho scritto il mio primo libro in otto mesi, dal novembre del 2008 fino a luglio dell'anno seguente. Si, é piena di errori, ma sono molto fiera di quello che ho scritto. Se ti piace scrivere, qualsiasi cosa sia la ragiona: prendi una penna e non fermarti! Non devi essere il migliore, credimi, ma chissá? Di solito se la scrittura ha un buon effetto su di te allora ne vale la pena, abbi fiducia!

In the November of 2008 I sat down to write something. This something turned out to be the first book I have ever written. I adored writing it. The book is bad, so no, don't ask me for it! I know it's bad because my friends won't read it and those who did give me fair, but very much needed criticism. I learned from it, what I'm trying to say. Either way I am very proud of my first work being in English, over 200 pages (A4) and perfectly what I wanted it to be.
Today, 2015, I know exactly what I have to change to make it work - and I want to - but there has to be that one for every writer that they feel started them. I want to write, I want to write all the time as a matter of fact and I hope to have a career where I can do that, even if just part-time. Let that be movie scripts, simply poems, short novels or whole books: it doesn't matter. The moment I get to write down my thoughts, stories and dialogues I feel alive. I'm lucky. Not many can find the thing that will do that for them!

"Bunny reached him and hooked into his right arm. “Good morning!” she exclaimed with the most gorgeous smile he has ever seen. The coat was not a necessity for Liam anymore and suddenly he didn’t feel the minus–10 degrees just the sound of his blood rushing in his body. Her voice was like magic and her smile like a painting. 
His heart was beating faster than ever, 
“Oh what a joyful feeling love is”, he thought." - Bunny, 2009.

I come up with a movie scene just before going to sleep and replay it until it starts to work. Then I either just write down the dialogues or actually write it down as a chapter in a book. I got a lot to learn, I know that, but just these past four years of university (English major, check out my papers here: brought me closer to the writer I want to be and I can see I am far better than I used to be.
My final weakness is not being able to write in my own mother-tongue... as I don't considerate that... but I won't find any audience, or, more precisely, any publisher here who would care for it. So, I will have to try my luck abroad or start writing in Hungarian!
Either way, if you feel like you can't help but write? Get out a pen and don't stop! It's therapeutic and there might be something there! You don't have to become a best seller to find relief in jotting down your own thoughts, trust me :)

For more information, visit my latest update on the book here:

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