Christmas Eve is coming, and the Oliverio family is preparing for the feast of the seven fishes, an Italian tradition, that even Italian Americans hold. Our protagonist, Tony Jr. (Skyler Gisondo) is struggling to decide what to do with his future, as he is dealing with an old girlfriend, a possible new partner, his families ideas on his life and his own turmoil over leaving or staying.

This is a blog that between 2011-2021 dealt with reviews, and from here on it is the home of all my projects. Posts are going to be more random, but the comment section is always open. Check out the links for how it begun, and see how I ended my ten year run on the right panel. Look around, leave a comment, and enjoy my content: I made it with all my heart!
Saturday, December 24, 2022
What's next on my list? Feast of the Seven Fishes
Christmas Eve is coming, and the Oliverio family is preparing for the feast of the seven fishes, an Italian tradition, that even Italian Americans hold. Our protagonist, Tony Jr. (Skyler Gisondo) is struggling to decide what to do with his future, as he is dealing with an old girlfriend, a possible new partner, his families ideas on his life and his own turmoil over leaving or staying.
Saturday, November 12, 2022
What's Next On My List? Cha Cha Real Smooth
"- What's it like being depressed?
"I feel like there are things that you just, like, don't say to me. And I can't tell whether you're, like, holding back a desire to be close or a desire to be distant."
Sunday, September 11, 2022
What's Next On My List? The Death and Life of Bobby Z
As a tradition, each year in memory of Paul Walker, I review a movie that he starred in as long as I run out. I miss him terribly still... he was truly one of my favorites. This is for you, happy birthday!
The Death and Life of Bobby Z (2007)
Tim Kearney (Paul Walker) is freed from prison for an exchange, where he has to impersonate a drug dealer by the name of Bobby Z. Having been a marine, Tim can handle himself, but people want both him and Bobby dead, and he has to find a way to get away from both.
This film was not well received, but honestly, I had great fun watching it. Paul Walker is someone who was type cast in his life. Usually some kind of cop or undercover cop, or FBI agent, and so on, you know what I mean. Last year I talked about Meet the Deedles (1988), which was a very silly family movie, but he did a great job. Here, he is a dumbass who loses his temper quite often, and to get his life in order he enrolled in the marines. However, when life throws him a bone, he takes the opportunity. I liked that when there were no eyes on him, and he wasn't supposed to be a well calculated drug dealer, as Bobby Z, but his real self, Tim, came out, he was just a goofy guy. And Walker did a great job. More than anything, he was horrible at playing Bobby, and I liked that too, because why would a random marine be a trained actor? There were a lot of things that had to go right for him to get away with this impersonation, and most things actually go terribly wrong.
This is a straightforward action movie with some real A-listers. It is just a 90 minute run with great twists, in my humble opinion. Honestly, of all the movies I have left to see from Walker, this was a really pleasant surprise, and I am glad I waited to see it. I definitely recommend it.
I still have a couple of movies left with Walker, and as long as I do, I will make these yearly posts. I really miss this guy. Talking about him reminds me of all the incredibly talented people we have lost during the years, and how the world is slowly but surely going to shit and just... It breaks my heart over and over. But we are blessed again to still have the movies and songs and books they left behind.
Until the next item on my list!
Sunday, August 28, 2022
To Write or Not to Write
That is the answer, as deep down in my core I love writing. But I never in my life imagined that I would find myself with this block in such a way, that my generation is going through the ---fifth or sixth--- once in a lifetime crisis. And that a 200 page research paper that only 3 people will read feels like the least important thing that I could possibly be doing. This blog, feels like the least important thing that I could be doing. It took me a whole month to write this one page . The struggle is truly real.
Sunday, April 17, 2022
Blogger: Meeting New People, and What the Pandemic Took from Me
- new music;
- new TV shows;
- new youtube pages;
- new books;
- new movies
u new experiences.
I remember when back in 2014 a crush of mine suggested the album Helios from The Fray. That is one of those few albums where I still love every single track on it. Did it remind me of them for a looooooong time? Of course. But music lives on, trust me, it does. Two more people brought Stephen King and Margaret Atwood into my life. The starter pack, in both cases, were books that were over 600 pages. But boy I am grateful for the recommendation, King's 11/22/63 is my favorite book to date, and it inspired my bachelor's thesis; while Atwood's The Blind Assassin is a straight up masterpiece. Unfortunately, I also try to recommend these to other people, they don't seem to be as impressed with my taste, as I am with everyone else's, but I don't mind. I was enriched by the experience. It was yet another crush who helped me discover The Proclaimers, Faithless, and rediscovered my love for Placebo. (More so the recognition that they are my favorite band.) I will also never forget that April in 2017 when it was snowing here in Hungary and I was closed in a dorm room with Yuri On Ice! because I was told that it is a "must see!". I had immense fun with that as well, and it would help me later on have very good conversations about anime with friends I made along the line. I am simply saying that new impulses are good in a person's life. Especially someone like me, who gets bored with everything very fast.
- Take the time.
- Write that message or pick up that phone.
- Ask that question.
- Include something about you.
- Be honest.
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
Blogger: So You Have Just Been Told You are Racist. What's Next for You?
Inclusion matters.
Sunday, February 20, 2022
What's Next On My List? Escape Plan The Extractors
Sunday, February 13, 2022
What's Next On My List? Escape Plan 2: Hades
Monday, February 7, 2022
What's Next On My List? Lock Up
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Discussion: Eternals Was the Justice League Movie I Always Wanted
I have not seen the Zack Snyder movies and I refuse to do so. Just from the trailers and accounts from my friends I can clearly tell that I will not enjoy them. These -very famous- characters are continuously misunderstood by this director and I am tired of it. If you like them, good for you. I will not go into a large rant about it, I have before, just read my review of Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) here! So let us move on to the movie that we are about to discuss. I will, however, draw a lot of comparisons with the live-action adaptations of the famous DC comics characters, as the title already suggests.
This is gonna be a thorough argumentation over all the things that this movie did right, so read on and add all the things you think of in the comments, I welcome the discussion! Needless to say, spoilers ahead.
The reason for my comparison, is that these Eternal god like creatures have very similar powers to that of the members of the Justice League, and YET we did not need a single movie in advance to introduce any of these characters. With a couple of time jumps and interactions the most important traits of their personalities were revealed to us. The DC version tried to copy the Marvel formula, forgetting altogether that most people have a very deep knowledge of the titular characters of DC comics. After one Superman (Man of Steel (2013)) we jumped to the larger group with a new Batman being cast and the addition of all the greatest villains, with the hope of these heroes working together cohesively without any real depth as to who they are and where they come from. The fans were both expected to know everything while the film tried to adhere to a much larger audience that did not know anything about these characters. You cannot have a film that way... with the Eternals, we have a closer look at a Celestial, but it is not the first time that happened in a Marvel movie, as the seeds were slowly and carefully planted.
The reason, I believe, that Eternals (2021) was not successful is because it did not hold any major twists. Marvel movies by now have a tendencies to reveal something last minute, something that is very logical once you re-watch the story (thus making you want to re-watch it to begin with), but they buried the lead just the same. Eternals was incredibly straightforward, and I ended up guessing the major plot points, and honestly, I did not mind. Marvel is good at twists, but DC isn't. It is not their fault, of course, major audiences WANT to be surprised, they want the story to twist and turn, and they expect the unexpected. In my experience of the DC movies I have seen, these twists come only with the sacrifice of major plot points, leaving holes behind. Holes that grow quite large as the stories progress. Eternals had a lot of foreshadowing, and thus you could perceive where the story was going, however, it was also the device that they used best to let us viewers connect to our main characters. I do not mind that I could guess the ending, I did so with every DC cartoon, but at least no plot points were sacrificed. I am so tired of movies that do not go anywhere... never in my life did I get up after seeing a Marvel movie and felt like it was a waste of time, even when the movies wasn't a 10/10. I wish I felt that way about DC movies...
This movie felt like a DC cartoon to me, that is it, at the end of the day. I saw a team of heroes trying their best, fighting their battles, and in the end Batman fought Superm-- I mean the team had to fight Ikaris, because of his strong belief in the mission they were assigned on this planet. If I mentioned it, the DC comic books explain in such great detail the pain of the people in losing someone like Superman, and why, upon his return, he dons his black suit. There is a separate DC cartoon movie about the death of Superman, something I reviewed a few years back, you can read about it here. He is not just a fighter, he is a person. In this film, Ikaris, is a beloved member of the team, he does have his issues with the others, but he is loved and he loves. He betrays the others with pain, and that pain causes him to refuse to face the failure of his mission. He is a person with feelings. There is no question about that. The main reason I hated the new Superman is that there was only one single scene in the live-action movie adaptations in the past 20 years, where he showed actual personal growth and that was at the end of Man of Steel (2013), when he killed Zod, which is the scene most people hated. Ikaris is detached, somewhat, a real soldier, but I never question his humanity, despite him being a god-like creature just like Superman.
I think, at the end of the day, someone from Marvel looked at the horribly long Snyder cut and thought to themselves "We can do a better movie than this." And they did. They really did. I am very excited to see where the Eternals go from here and I also plan to re-watch it soon to focus in on more details of the characters and their interactions.
I invite everyone to see this film. We keep forgetting that the comic is also some 45 years old, because these characters have never been on the big screen, and we all were subjected to so many origin stories at this point, we think that a creative and unique spin on a story is impossible. And you know, it might be. However, there are some wonderful direct to TV Marvel and DC cartoon movies out there that I wouldn't mind seeing in a live action format, even if there are no major plot twists or unique intricacies that would make them stand out from all the others. I just want a good story, and that is what the Eternals was.
Sunday, January 16, 2022
Blogger: Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts
Let's Not Forget J.K. Rowling
Would you like to see a new adaptation? Or would you prefer they continue the Fantastic Beasts series (despite a whole new bunch of controversies and issues!)? I am very curious about where everyone else stands on these issues.