Saturday, December 27, 2014

Building With CsorEsz: 3D Origami Swan

Well, if you don't know, I'm insane. I don't care about the amount of time it takes to make someone a special present that they will cherish and appreciate. In this case, it was a swan for my best friend. I learned 3D origami a couple of years back from a classmate and I built an Ocarina of Time with it for my brother, something which I will make sure to share in a bit, but let's get back to the swan.

To make this swan I used the help of razcapapercraft's channel on YouTube. I am very grateful and without it I wouldn't be anywhere, so I will share his video to build the swan.

To make the elements for a 3D origami you should follow this formula:

Make as many as you can. In his video he mentions that he needed 450 pieces, I had to use up almost 470 so make more if you have a chance. You will have to create a closed base for the swan, like this:

You will need 24 pieces for one row, and a total of three layers before you make the closed base, which simply means that you have to put in pieces the other way around than the original layers.

Sorry, I was watching a movie...
Then, add extra five layers of the same 24 pieces and continue like that. You might count nine here, the ninth is the inverted closed layer at the bottom.

Afterwards you have to make the chest. Find one side and put down five pieces, Then four above it, then three, two and one.

You will have to leave out one whole at the end of the previous five piece of the chest. Go around the other side and put in another layer, stop at the same place, leaving out one whole before the chest. Then turn around and do the same until you get the last piece before the whole. And then back. Build it up like a pyramid.

To make the neck use about 20 to 30 pieces. You will have to glue the neck together, but before you do you should position it the way that is most pretty to you. I gave mine a bit of a shorter neck, to make the swan more buff, so my friend can remember how strong she is!

To finish off my swan I used a gold glitter paint for the last layer of his wings and made him an orange beak. For the beak make a piece out of the half of the size of the paper you would need for a regular piece.

Well, she loved it, so it was worth all the time I spent folding those pieces. It is a beautiful gift, so get to work! Here is the video if you want to be guided through it.

And if you want to make a smaller one, here is the guide for that:

Thank you razcapapercraft, you can also click onto their blog here

Have fun folding!

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