Friday, March 2, 2012

My Poems: A Pint of Guinness

Az összes versem megtalálhatod a "My Poems" oldalon, ahol nyelv szerint színekkel el vannak választva! You can find all of my poems on the page of the same name, where they are color coordinated based on the language they were written in. Puoi trovare le mie poesie sulla pagina "My Poems" dove sono colorate in base alla lingua nella quale le ho scritte.
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If this pint
Got me to sing:
A song of fallen fellows,
My lyrics would reveal.

There was the ginger,
She was a teacher.
She too drank a pint,
And stole what was left of mine...

She sang all night -
In her feet beat a rhythm.
And a smile on her cheek
Revealed a happiness within.

She don't smile
No more.
No singing either...
Her throat's gone sore.

Nor does she dance,
Only tears in her eyes,
As desperately she sighs.
And drinks what's left in her glass.

If this pint
Got me to sing:
A song of reborn heroes,
My lyrics would reveal.

Sometimes I see her,
Still dreaming, I hope:
Of better days to come,
And one more pint as the prize of a song!

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