Friday, January 27, 2012

What was first on my list? Mamma Mia!

In October 2007 I had the fortune to see live the musical Mamma Mia!. I also wrote a review on it.
Come July 2008 the movie, starring Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan appeared in the theaters and I also a wrote a review on that, kinda like the ones you read on my blog now. That was posted on a different page, however, instead of re-posting it, I thought I would simply let you know where you can find it:

Also, it seens I have lost my password for the blog... so that'll stay like that, probably for eternity, so sorry about that, I'd like to correct a couple of facts and perhaps embed some links, but it seems I cannot do so. As time will pass, perhaps I'll re-write it here, until then you can find it there.
Do read it, it is one of my earliest and eagerest works!
Until the next item on my list!

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