Dear All,
Happy New Year, and welcome to 2022!
I want to include this small update for anyone still here, reading my small blog. I have written reviews for ten years, and to be honest, I just enjoy talking about movies and TV shows. That is why, I decided to write smaller essays, discussion on certain topics. Without any actual creativity I have decided to entitle these entries as "Discussion" and I will add links for them both on my Reviews and Blogger page, as they will cover a variety of topics.
As I have mentioned before, certain review are staying, this February is the next installment of my #StalloneMonth, and as always, we will remember the wonderful Paul Walker on his birthday on September 12th.
Since I like having round numbers, I am planning around 10 posts this year, maybe kick it up to a 12, to have one per month, we will see, in the Discussion topic. Definitely follow this page on facebook (click here to follow!), so you know when any new posts come in. My initial ideas include the series Sex Education (2019-), the evolution of action movies in the past ten years, and a couple more nuggets of gold from representation of minorities, something that is overlapping with my doctorate research*.
I am very excited for this new chapter in my blog, so stay with me and you are always welcome to start conversations on the topics in the comments here or on the facebook page. [Beneath I have a small advertisement in Hungarian for my podcast on the educational system in Hungary. It is only in Hungarian, so for now it is for a specific audience.]
Can't wait to start,
*If you are reading this, and you are a friend of mine, yes, I am trying to ensure I actually write my dissertation! But I love my research so this feels like the perfect time to crossover into that territory to trick myself into writing finally. I need to finish my PhD this year, ladies and gentleman, so bear with me!
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A magyar olvasóimnak szeretném mondani, hogy már négy rész kiment az oktatásról szoló podcast szorozatomban, aminek én vagyok a műsorvezetője és barátom és kollégám Váczi Zsombor (akinek a blogját, Diákcsoda, ide klikkelve olvashatjátok!). Nagyon büszkék vagyunk a munkára, amit eddig beletettünk, és nem állunk meg! Rengeteg vendégünk van még és témánk, amit ki fogunk bontani. Szóval ha szeretnétek meghallgatni az eddigi részeket, a képre klikkelve megnyithatjátok a youtube oldalunkat, és ha tetszik, amit hallotok, akkor iratkozzatok fel!
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