Tuesday, September 21, 2021

My Poems: Ti Scrivo

 Az összes versem megtalálhatod a "My Poems" oldalon, ahol nyelv szerint színekkel el vannak választva! You can find all of my poems on the page of the same name, where they are color coordinated based on the language they were written in. Puoi trovare le mie poesie sulla pagina "My Poems" dove sono colorate in base alla lingua nella quale le ho scritte.

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Scrivo in una lingua che non parli
Scrivo di desiderio e di sogno
Scrivo di tutto ció che non ho
Scrivo di amore e di tante parole
Scrivo di tristezza e forse speranza
Scrivo del perché della tua presenza
In un cuore che ormai é stato ridotto
A niente piú che polvere.

Scrivo di una lontananza
Scrivo di come mi fa male
Scrivo di porte battute in faccia
Scrivo e scrivo e scrivo e
Scrivo di come non cambia un cazzo
Scrivo e perció esisto
In un mondo che fa di tutto
per nascondere quello che é buono.

Scrivo di persone bionde
Scrivo di quelle magre, alte a rotonde
Scrivo a mala pena per bene
Scrivo con musica nelle orecchie
Scrivo con profumo di café
Scrivo come se questo fosse
L'unico modo per sopravvivere
L'agonia che causo a me stessa.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

What's Next On my List? Meet the Deedles

As a tradition, each year in memory of Paul Walker, I review a movie that he starred in as long as I run out. I miss him terribly still... he was truly one of my favorites. This is for you, happy birthday!

Meet the Deedles (1988)

Twins Phil (Paul Walker) and Stew (Steve Van Wormer) get kicked out of school as they only care for surfing, and their rich father sends them off to learn an important lesson about being responsible adults. In order to please their father they decide to lie so they can become rangers at Yellowstone Park, where they end up, with their silly ways, to really help out.

I put off this movie because I knew it was just a silly comedy, but I promised myself I would get through all the films that Walker did, and well, times are still hard, I do believe that humanity is going to ignore 2021 if they can, and so I was looking for something entertaining. First off, I would like to say that this movie is silly, but it has a wonderful cast: Ana Gasteyer, A.J. Langer, John Ashton, M.C. Gainey, and the villain was no other than Dennis Hopper. Disney already knew where to put its money. Second, as silly as it is, the movie has a couple of scenes that got me giggling. It is a perfect movie to watch with kids. There is this gopher story line, as they disrupt the camp sites at Yellowstone, and they are hilarious. There is one scene where the gophers are eating on a picnic table, unphased by a kid that is just screaming behind them. I am sure they shot it separately, but it made laugh. 

If I do have to be critical, however, the "dumbing down" factor of this movie was just too much. Not only are the main characters meant to be silly, but also the henchman of the villain. The movie ended up with no smart people essentially to contrast the ... well, stupid. You either have the main characters be silly but lovable, or you have villains that are laughable. This was just too much. And I am not a fan of toilet humor, but it as expected in a kids movies. Altogether, of course, we know from the beginning that the main characters are going to succeed, and they seem to have redeemable qualities, but they come out of nowhere for two characters that were introduced as idiots without basic schooling. And cars keep jumping off of cliffs, I don't know what budget they had for those scenes! That said, I love to check the trivia page of movies I found for example that the movie title is a play on The Beatles album "Meet the Beatles!".

So watch it? It is a harmless Disney family movie. You have probably seen hundreds like it, some a lot better, I am sure. But if you are having a family afternoon, the gophers are definitely cute and entertaining. And well, Walker is just super cute.

Until the next post on my list of chores!

Sunday, September 5, 2021

OktaTáska - Podcast sorozat az oktatásról

Bemutatkozik az OktaTáska, az oktatás legkülönfélébb témáival foglalkozó podcast sorozat. Elmeséljük, hogyan született az ötlet, milyen témákat és hogyan fogunk feldolgozni. Hallgass minket és írd le bátran a véleményedet! Ha tetszett az adás, szívesen vesszük, ha megosztod.

Youtube oldal: www.youtube.com/channel/UCqDouBIJ0ndOCUn5I6HB-fA
És a blogon pedig a "Blogger" oldal alatt megtalálhatod majd az összes epizódot, amint megosztásra kerülnek. 

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My best friend and I are teachers, and we decided to start a podcast series on education. It is in Hungarian, but if you know anyone who might be interested in it, feel free to share our link, like, comment and subscribe. / Io e il mio migliore amico siamo insegnanti, e abbiamo deciso di cominciare un podcast sull'educazione. La lingua e in Ungherese, ma se conosci qualcuno che potrebbe essere interessato, ti chiediamo di condividerlo!