Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Update, March 25th, 2020

Dear Reader,

I have decided to post-pone this week's movie review because of the virus outbreak all over the world.

I myself am home, trying to make sure I do not go out and infect anyone, as I have been feeling flu-like symptoms. And if I am honest with you: having had these two weeks already at home has been great to make sure I do not develop ANY signs of an actual influenza.

I wanted to make sure I take a second and ask you too to stay at home.

I know some of us cannot afford to do that, or you have state jobs that require your presence. In that case, I also want to thank you for your work, wherever you are, you are making sure that our world has the function to keep on working properly once the outbreak is over. 

When that will be, we can only guess, but at least I know for sure that as long as we understand why social distancing is important, we will survive this epidemic.

Make sure you take care of yourself, wash those paws properly, check reliable sources and the news frequently. If your government is shady, seek information elsewhere. The European Parliament is doing its best to inform all citizens belonging to it. 

Thank you for checking in on my small blog,
All the best to you,

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