Friday, November 30, 2012

Múltkép: A Legkedvesebb Gimis Emlékek

To read the summary in English, click here!

Zsombor barátom fiatal egyetemistákkal készített interjú sorozat szerzője, melynek címe "Jövőkép". Én a saját sorozatomon dolgozom, melynek alap ötlete hasonló, csakhogy ez inkább a régi emlékekkel foglalkozik mint a jövővel. Kihasználva egy egyetemi órámat, elkészítettem a sorozat első részét, melyben 9 embertől kérdezem meg:
"Melyik a legkedvesebb gimnáziumi emléked?"

Ha érdekel a Jövőkép, akkor ide klikkelve elolvashatod miről is van szó, viszont ha az én sorozatomra vagy kíváncsi akkor olvass tovább!

Nem túl eredeti cím, de a Múltkép Zsombor sorozatának kis testvére akar lenni, hiszen vannak terveink, hogy a kettőt egyszer egyesítsük. Míg a Jövőkép interjúkban csak egy emberrel beszélgetünk, különböző kérdésekkel, az én sorozataimban csak egy kérdés van és több ember. (Még idén Januárban magam is részt vettem az egyik forgatáson, a kalandjaimról itt olvashatsz!) A forgatás két hétig tartott és összesen 40 percet vettünk fel szallagra. Nem számolva az eleje és vége főcímet az első rész 9 perc hosszú. 
Sajnos, igaz a kész munkára nagyon büszke vagyok, számtalan dolog nem úgy sikerült mint terveztem. Figyelembe kell tartani, hogy órák között és kissé rohanva készült minden felvétel. A kedves csoporttársaim ennek ellenére 100%-san profik voltak és ezért nagyon hálás vagyok. Eredetileg több helyszínt terveztem, mint az ELTE BTK campuszának egy lépcsőjét, de az idő kötött volt. És hát hátsó zajokat nehéz kiszűrni, hiszen minden folyosó 10x-re erősíti a hangokat.
A forgatáshoz Zsombor barátom kameráját és puska mikrofonját használtuk, minden más viszont már a számítógép csodája. Az interjú magyarul van, és itt alul elolvashatod miről meséltek, vagy nézd meg a videót!
Vizsga időszak és hasonló borzalmak miatt nem tudom, hogy a második részt mikor sikerül, ha sikerül, elkészíteni. Mindenesetre ez a forgatás alatt még számtalan dolgot felvettünk, amiket hamarosan megosztok!

The video is being remade, it will be uploaded again soon!
A videó éppen újra készül, hamarosan újra felkerül!

Váczi Zsombor
Kürt Alapítványi Gimnázium
„Igazából két kedves gimnáziumi emléket gyűjtöttem össze, ebből az egyik 10.-ikben történt. Amikor is délután színjátszóztunk a suliban és egyszer csak bejött az igazgatónő és azt mondta, hogy gyerekek baj van, mert a 8.-ikosoknak előkészítő óra van, de a tanár beteg tehát nem tudjuk megtartani. Aztán jött a meglepő kérdés, hogy, nincs-e kedve valakinek beugrani a tanár helyett és végül is ketten-ketten bementünk megtartani az órát, tulajdonképpen csak papírokat osztottunk ki meg figyeltünk rájuk de fantasztikus érzés volt ott állni a tábla előtt mint egy igazi tanár.”

„A másik az... ha jól emlékszem szintén 10.-ikben volt, amikor ugyanis elmentünk egy csapat építő táborba és nem tudtuk, hogy milyen izgalmak várnak ránk, ugyanis egy kém játékot játszottunk  amibe az egész falu be volt szervezve. Úgy, hogy mi lettünk egy kém csoportnak a tagjai és kis szobrokat kellett megtalálnunk a hegyekben. És annyi volt a lényeg, hogy mentünk végig a falun és mindenféle rejtvényeket kellett megoldanunk. Meg néha csörgött a sarkon a nyilvános telefon, és beszéltünk az összekötővel és úgy éreztük magunkat mint valami 50.-es évekbeli krimiben. Szóval fantasztikus volt.”

„Jaj igen. Van egy fantasztikus ballagási történetem. Amikor is én készítettem elő a ballagóknak az ajándékot, ami azt jelentette, hogy felírtam CD-re nekik valamit és az elkészült CD-ket a tanárok már vitték le és csomagolták be egy időben  Na most az történt, hogy fogták magukat és rossz kupacot vittek le – tehát levittek egy adag üres CD-t és elkezdték őket becsomagolni. És, amikor én erre rájöttem, akkor, mint a filmekben, kivágtam az ajtót, lerohantam a tanáriba, feltéptem az ajtót és rájuk üvöltöttem, hogy ’Ne, mindenki álljon meg! Ne pakolják a cuccokat, üres CD-ket csomagolnak be!’ Úgyhogy az-az volt az egyik legkedvesebb emlékem 12.-ikben.”

Szabados Borbála
ELTE Trefort Ágoston Gimnázium
„Az 11.-ikben volt, mert mi szerveztük ugye a szagavatót és kitaláltuk, hogy akkor most mi szervezünk egy táncot – egy meglepetés táncot így a 12.-ikeseknek, meg úgy mindenkinek, aki eljön. És tirolit táncoltunk, kis kosztümökkel meg minden, és, hogy legyen benne egy csavar, kitaláltuk, hogy a fiúk lesznek a lányok, a lányok meg fiúk. És, hogy mennyire vicces! És így elpróbáltuk meg minden, mindenki nagyon élvezte és így bemegyünk az óriási csarnokba és így tök kuss volt... És így egy idő után így kezdtek el nevetni az emberek, amikor leesett neki, hogy itt valami nem stimmel és akkor ez nagyon-nagyon jó volt, nagyon megdicsértek  azt mondták, hogy az egyik legjobb tánc volt. És volt benne egy rész, amikor a fiúk emeltek minket, szóval a lányok emelték a fiúkat és akkor az is így tök jól kijött, úgy, hogy erre mindig szívesen emlékszem.
Dobos Emőke
Városmajori Gimnázium
„Nálunk tök nagy hagyománya van a szalagavatónak, és mindig ilyen nagyon nagy banzáj van. És nem kibérlünk egy külön termet, hanem az iskolánk aulájában volt, ami azért poén mert ez egy ilyen hatalmas aula, ahol három emeletnyi folyosó van és ezt a teret tök jól fel lehet díszíteni  És akkor nálunk az a hagyomány, hogy minden évben Szeptemberben 11.-ikesek elkezdenek kiagyalni valami témát – amilyen témájú lesz a szalagavató – és elkezdenek gyártani díszletet rá. És, akkor, amikor mi voltunk 11.-ikesek akkor a Velencei Karnevált találtuk ki, hogy azt fogjuk megcsinálni. És tényleg Szeptembertől egészen December elejéig állandóan bent voltunk az iskolában, esténként is, volt, hogy éjfélig bent voltunk és festettünk. És az volt nagyon vicces ebben az egész folyamatban, hogy ugye csináltunk ilyen maszkokat, amiket ki lehetett tenni és hát nem tudtuk- ugye az úgy nem lenne arányos, ha mondjuk magunk meggyúrmázuk és ezért szereztünk ilyen orvosi gipsszel bevont gézt- anyagot. És mi lefeküdtünk és magunkon csináltuk meg ezeket a maszkokat. Csak ilyen hatalmas nagy élmény volt, hogy ott van egy osztályterem és akkor a padon ott fekszenek a lányok, ilyen fehér maszkban! És így senki nem tudja, aki benyit, hogy miről van szó. Na mindegy, szóval nekem ez így nagyon nagy élmény volt.

Tóth András
Arany János Általános Iskola és Gimnázium
„Egy féléven keresztül versenyeztem az egyik évfolyamtársammal- nem, nem évfolyamtársam, osztálytársammal, hogy melyikünk ér be hamarabb az iskolába. Úgy, hogy volt, hogy ilyen reggel... fél hat körül keltem föl és akkor beértem úgy kb. negyed hétre az iskolába. És akkor volt olyan, hogy lekapcsoltam a lámpákat és akkor a srác az így gyanútlanul bejött és ráüvöltöttem, hogy ’Surprise!’. És így kb. összefosta magát szerencsétlen. Igen, ezt hiszem ez volt a legszebb emlékem a gimnáziumban.”
Kutas Orsolya
Vörösmarty Mihály Gimnázium
„A legkedvesebb gimnáziumi élményem az vitán felül a szalagavató volt. Ugyanis, én 8 éves gimnáziumba jártam, ezért hát egyébként is nagy durranás a szalagavató, de így 8 évet lezárva még nagyobb. Ugyanis nyolc év alatt bőven volt időnk megutálni egymást és klikkesedni és veszekedni, és pláne ugye a szalagavató miatt hisztizni: zeneválogatás, tánctanár, és stb. Úgyhogy az a három nap, hát nekünk kiváltságosoknak három nap volt a szalagavató  az elképesztően jó volt, ugyanis arra a három napra mindenki elfelejtett, hogy kit utál, kivel klikkesedik és mindenki szeretett mindenki és mosolyt erőltetett az arcára és nagyszerűen összeállt az egész.”

Pap József
Madách Imre Gimnázium és Szakközépiskola
„Szóval a legkedvesebb gimnáziumi emlékem az inkább így- tehát az emberek voltak. Tulajdonképpen azok a – én kimerem ezt a szót mondani – zsenik, akikkel én együtt tudtam tölteni az öt évet (mert én nem négy éves gimnáziumba voltam hanem öt évesben). És, hogyha így végig gondolom, hogy azok az emberek akikkel én annak idején még együtt- hogy is mondjam, terveztem vagy terveztük így az álmainkat, hogy mit szeretnénk majd elérni és ha belegondolok, hogy a legtöbbjük most egyetemen van és azon az úton megy, amit még annak idején így- nem is tudom suli után meg órák után így 10 perc alatt beszéltük, hogy ’Igen, ez majd úgy jó lenne valamikor.’ Ez sikerült. Hogy nagyon jó úton haladnak és, hogy mindenkinek meg lett a helye a világban tulajdonképpen.”

Gróf Szabina
Zrínyi Miklós Gimnázium

„Hát sok kedves gimnáziumi élményem van, de szerintem a legkedvesebb azaz, amikor 9.-ikes voltam és elmentünk Londonba egy ilyen 10 napos kirándulásra. Úgy hát- így lehetett jelentkezni, elég sokan mentünk az osztályból. És hát akkor még így féléve beszéltünk angolul de elég jól eltudtunk már így kommunikálni a családdal. És ráadásul ugye ilyen családnál voltunk, én például egy görög nénit kaptam, szóval ez nekem nagyon jó volt. És- hát igen szóval ott nagyon sok mindent megtanultunk meg így egy kicsit magunkra voltunk utalva mert ketten voltunk összesen egy családnál és akkor- de igazából mindig együtt mentünk ilyen csoportos foglalkozásokra, nem tudom, ilyen múzeum látogatás meg ilyenek. És ez így kicsit összehozta az osztályt is, meg így megismerkedtünk idősebbekkel,  fiatalabbakkal. Mondjuk fiatalabbakkal annyira nem, nehéz volt kicsit kilencedikesen. (...) Meg igazából akkor szerettem meg az angol nyelvet, meg ugye az egész kultúra nagyon tetszett: ez a forgatag meg az a sok ember, meg minden. És lehet, hogy már igazából akkor fogalmazódott bennem, hogy én anglisztikás leszek. Úgyhogy igen, az nagyon jó volt.

Halák László András
Kürt Alapítványi Gimnázium
„A legviccesebb iskolai történetem azaz, amikor a legjobb barátnőmmel az órák után kimentünk papír-repülőzni az aulába. És egyszer csak kijött egy tanár, hogy hagyjuk már abba mert milyen hangosak vagyunk! Persze rohadt csöndesek voltunk. De mi csak folytattuk tovább, majd ezek után, egy másik teremből kijött egy tanár, akinek elméletileg zavartuk az óráját, nem ugyanaz, aki először volt, és beszállt hozzánk papír-repülőzni.”
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

To read the summary in English, click here!

Monday, November 26, 2012

If Epic And Awesome Had A Child: Young Justice

Now, I have decided to leave this for the last DC review, because this is the 150th entry of mine! Also, this is the very reason why I started Comics Summer and then went on to Comics Autumn, as there was no hope of finishing all the comic based reviews on time... So, I decided to save the best for last! Let us review:

Oh, my God. This series is AWESOME!!! I have no words to define it, but I will try just the same! But you can probably guess my love, if you look at the logo, or have read my top 5 DC characters (click here!).
We begin with Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad and Speedy getting a chance to join the Justice League and not be sidekicks anymore. However, it seems that the grown ups don't plan for them to be involved in serious action just yet. Speedy gets angry and leaves, while the boys decide to investigate some leads on their own. They end up in an underground laboratory and discover Superboy - a genetic clone created from Superman and a human, who at the moment is still unknown. The laboratory gets blown up and the whole Justice League (and I mean everyone!!) shows up to yell at the boys. But they stand up for themselves and proclaim that they shall fight crime whether they like it or not. They form their own group, with an addition, M'gann M'orzz, Martian Manhunter's niece.

The first season was 26 episodes long, during it, the team has another member join them, Artemis, daughter of two known criminals, but protege of Green Arrow. During the season we get to see Speedy become Red Arrow and Superboy discovers that his human DNA arrives from Lex Luthor. There is also an evil group known as 'The Light', who is trying to destroy the Justice League: Enemies like Sportsmaster, Black Manta, Luthor and Vandal Savage.
The group seems to be working together perfectly, but there is trouble in paradise of course. Red Arrow has known Green Arrow all his life, and he seems to be troubled on where did Artemis exactly come from. M'gann and Superboy find a connection and fall in love; but Superboy has a need for guidance that Superman isn't capable of giving him - and it seems that Luthor is - but we all know what that means... Aqualad has trouble deciding between the surface and the underwater world, which leaves him conflicted with the team; not to mention that Artemis and Kid Flash keep fighting in order to avoid their obvious attraction to each other.

Now, while following the stories, you will probably notice that there are a couple of question marks left for the viewers. Well, no worries there, as they are all explained in the comics!!!!!!!!!!!! THERE IS A COMIC BASED ON THIS SERIES!!!! THIS IS GENIUS!!! Not only you get to see them in action with great voice actors and every episode featuring a member of the Justice League, but you also get to read about them. There is a gap between season 1 and 2 (which we'll cover in a second) and a lot of the questions in between are explained in the comics. Not to mention little things like Artemis' past, which later on was of course revealed in the series, but you already get an answer in the comics. In season two we get a lot of new characters and they are introduced so you know what to expect. The comics have a slightly different drawing style, but they still remain true to the source material. Not to mention that each comic concentrates on the background of the characters and you get to know them better a bit. Another thing I loved is that I discovered story lines of the Justice League, that were previously unknown to me. One example would be a comic that featured Batman and Robin, fighting with Talia Al Ghul, who confesses to having loved only two men in the world. One of them is of course Batman, the other one is a poor soul who was turned into Clayface, in this version of the comic. The team is called in to fight him. However, my favorite one was when the team was recruited by Captain Atom to solve an almost 40 year old case! That comic was wonderful!

Before we discuss the second season, I wanted to say that another thing I enjoyed about the stories, was that even though the sidekicks have proven themselves previously, one thing we learn, is that even the grown up heroes have need for improvement. These are just kids, even if they know right from wrong, they are still only kids! And kids need to learn. Batman sends Red Tornado to live with them in Mount Justice; Black Canary trains them and Captain Marvel looks in on them often (him being a kid as well). They put emphasis on the basic parenting skills these grown ups already have, and I find that to be very touching. I find that these cartoons that feature all of the heroes, never really focus on their true identities, while the basics on how and why they became heroes is fundamental! The cartoon keeps showing you and reminds you that they are people with feelings: conflicted feelings. Just like their enemies: they have all this power thrown into their lap, and the temptation to use it for evil is really big!

This April (2012), the series returned with a bit of change in it:

The Invasion signals, that beside their enemies on Earth, our young team of superheroes has to face extraterrestrials who are trying to invade their planet. (check out the original trailer here!)
As the season begins, a couple of questions come to mind immediately. There was a 5 year jump from the last episode and a lot of things seem to have changed. Artemis and Kid Flash retire their costumes and move away from crime fighting together. Most members of their team are offered a chance to join the Justice League, but Robin, now Nightwing, Superboy and M'gann decide to stay and train the new squad of sidekicks. It seems that the last two have decided to stop dating, but there are still some unresolved feelings. The biggest change, however, is that Aqualad has left the group and decided to join 'The Light'. This is a big problem for our team, as their constant fights with Aqualad distracts them from their official targets.

The story is wonderful for many reasons: it is great to see our heroes grow up. You know how these sidekicks get new identities, just like Speedy became Red Arrow, and you want to see that! Well, the creators didn't leave us hanging! Not only they still pay attention to our heroes, they also bring in other ones whom we all know well and love: like Blue Bettle or Batgirl!
Not to mention that they make you even more curious in finding out what happened and they reveal it slowly. You understand that M'gann has changed her ways and that Superboy didn't agree with that. You see that being heroes consumed the life force of Kid Flash and Artemis and it was better to quit. You see this because they have all changed, they are all grown up. You see that this young kid that kicked bad guys in the face, has taken the role of a young Batman in Nightwing's persona and he now understands all the obstacles that where put in front of the grown ups.
You get that Superboy has no reason to be angry all the time, as he has developed a relationship with Superman and has now found his place in the world. One of the most interesting stories, however, is that of Red Arrow, who finds out that he is also a clone, just like Superboy. He searches for the real Roy Harper with his wife, Cheshire (Artemis' sister); and when they find him, his revenge takes him to Luthor who gives him the necessary props to become his new identity, Arsenal.
Mostly, what you get is a chance to see these heroes and their sidekicks as families, not so much as individuals who's only mission in life is to save their given city. And I find that to be a great approach.

Only problem I have with this series, is that it airs a couple of episodes, about TWICE A YEAR!!! FOR F*CK SAKE I WANT MORE!!! I keep worrying that it will get cancelled or something, for example, I waited several months for the episodes that were aired in September, and they aired TWO! And I mean, TWO!!!! Somebody uploaded a third, but that wasn't supposed to be there... WHAT THE HELL?? Don't leave me hanging Young Justice, I want more! (I love you...) According to there are more episodes to come in 2013, I cannot wait! And also, a video game, Young Justice: Legacy is set to come out next year, it should be awesome!

So, in case you still have any doubts, trust me, this is a series you'll want to check out if you like superheroes and/or Cartoon Network shows!

That said, we have concluded our DC reviews for this year. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to write a review on Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes, however, the exam period is about to start and I still have plenty of Christmas reviews I have to do before the year ends.

Until then, keep checking for my comic reviews on the page above (or click here!) as we still have plenty of ground to cover: V For Vendetta, Watchmen and for course the Hellboy movies. I hope that somewhere in the near future I'll get a chance to play with Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions... Thank you for sticking with me, and until my next review, which I believe will be The Hunger Games, make sure you read as I am aiming for 20,000 views by January the 1st!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

My Top 5 Favorite DC Characters

One DC review left for us before we wrap up all of the comics reviews, still to come movies like V For Vendetta, Watchmen and Hellboy, not to mention a final DC surprise, but until then let us see which DC characters deserve to be mentioned according to me.
First, two honorable mentions:

x) Captain Atom

I have no idea what it is about him, but I love him. He is incredibly sexy by my standards. I like his background story too, and he's got some cool powers too, but I am simply drawn to him. He is really hot! I just cannot keep my eyes off of him! It is contagious! Anyway, seeing that he has no live-action counterpart and that I have yet to establish any sentimental connection with him, I decided to leave him off the list, but letting you know that if Captain Atom were to pass me on the street, I would probably do my best to end up in his arms!

x) Wonder Woman

She is a great character and I really like her. One of the things I enjoy is her friendship with Superman and Batman. She was involved with both and that is also a story line that I enjoyed very much, however she doesn't appear as often as I would like and beside a great movie made in 2009 (click here to read my review!) she's not used enough. With the live-action movie coming up, I really hope they will cast someone who is worthy to play her.

5) Catwoman

I like her for her double personality. She of course knows wrong from right but she is drawn to do wrong for several reasons: One of them being the fact that she believes Batman won't be interested in her if she went straight. Which I think is cute. Also, I like that their love is really based on not knowing each other. The mystery of what might be behind the mask keeps them interested. They always try and bring Catwoman into stories, but they always fail because they want to enhance her good side so the viewers like her - not realizing that they would like her even if she was as evil as the Joker! However, Anne Hathaway's portrayal of her is one of my favorites.

4) Superman/Batman

I like these two boys together. Superman is way to optimistic for my tastes while Batman is to depressed... they balance out each other perfectly. They are the living example of "opposites attract each other". One of my favorite movies of all time with these two heroes is Superman/Batman: Public Enemies: You really get a sense of why they are good friends and how they would give their lives for the other one. They have one of the most beautiful and reassuring friendships in the history of comics.

3) Superboy

I didn't know much about Superboy prior to the Young Justice cartoon that came out last year, but let me tell you, it was love at first sight! He is a great character, with his own baggage and history and he adds a lot to Superman's character. Not to mention that some complain that Superman is boring because he cannot be killed due to some of his abilities - and these are things that Superboy misses, so there you go! The version I love is Conner Kent, the first Superboy who is a genetically engineered clone, manufactured with Lex Luthor and Superman's DNA (making him half human and half Krypton). He is charming, cute and really a great character! He, above all of the other heroes, has no reason to become one, and yet he does just the same because he knows right from wrong.

2) Green Arrow

Yes, I'll admit that this character skipped a couple of steps thanks to the live-action series that began on CW this fall. But he is a great character! Due to his popularity in Smallville (click here to read my review!) and of course Arrow (click here to read my review!), I spent all summer reading his comics. I really fell in love with him, not to mention his relationship with Black Canary (the love interest) and his sidekick Speedy, or Red Arrow (his adoptive son). There are great stories behind this character; I love his goatee and his Robin Hood like portrayal. He is one of my favorite fantastical archers!

1) The Flash

There about a hundred sex jokes that can be made, because of how fast the Flash is... I am not here to do that, no worries! The Flash, Barry Allen, is one of the funniest DC characters ever invented. He is young, impatient, quick in his mind just as he is on his feet. I love his red suit and his one liners. In the cartoons, he has been voiced by such legends as Neil Patrick Harris, Charlie Schlatter and my favorite CSI, George Eads. He had a live-action TV show in 1990 with John Wesley Shipp, but that was quite horrible... (click here to read my review!). I am hoping for a cartoon movie or a TV show... I don't think that he should be featured in any live-action movie of series because I'm afraid they will mess him up... just like they did with Wonder Woman, or they did in the 90's.
Barry has always been my favorite Flash, even though I enjoy very much Jay Garrick's character from the 1950's Justice League of American and Wally West, Kid Flash, from the Young Justice series managed to get a place in my heart as well. But only because he took over Flash's one liners, since in this series Barry is more of a father figure to look up to, rather then the fast kid in the group. That is one of the reasons why George Eads is a great voice for him! He inspires adulthood and responsibility something that Wally learns from him throughout the series.
Either way, he is a great character. Being fast isn't overrated, one might say it is, it's not. Flash uses his ability for good and takes care of everyone. Not to mention that beside that ego and always kidding around, he takes everything seriously and he is a great friend - somebody you'd want watching your back.

This is my list of favorites, what is yours? :)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

What's Next On My DC List? (Cartoons) Justice League

We have one more DC list to go and my top 5 list of favorite DC heroes, but before that let us talk about the great team that is the:

First up is the cartoon. This had a total of 5 season from 2001 to 2006.
Personally I did not like this cartoon very much. I do have to admit, that I stopped watching it after the first season. First of all, I love the Flash and even though I enjoyed most of his stories, the others did not make me curious. No offence or anything, but my favorite Lantern is of course Hal Jordan, so sorry John Stewart, but I couldn't care less. Same goes for Hawkgirl... where's Hawkman? I like the outfit and all, but it is He who makes it bad-ass. You? ... Not so much. And I know that this is about the whole League, but seriously, we need a lot more Batman and definitely more Superman! It is not enough to put them on the covers of the DVD! That said, if you are a fan of these characters from the comics you are set to love it! The drawings are actually great and the stories are very fascinating but this requires a proper audience. I'm unfortunately not part of that.

This is the basic origin story of how the great crime fighting group of superheroes has come together for the first time: they are known as the Justice League of America.
We have met all these great heroes who protect their own cities, but can they work together? It seems that a great evil is upon them and they need to unite forces to protect their precious planet. They have worked together before, but the government has come to fear their powers instead of trusting them. The movie is set in the 1950's, with Batman considered as a fugitive and the emphasis put on Superman and Wonder Woman's friendship and at the same time the origin of Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern. Our heroes need to fight a great enemy known as The Centre, who wishes to eradicate the planet of the scum that the humans have become. This might be just too much for our heroes...
With an all celebrity casting: voices like Kyle MacLachlan, David Boreanez, Kyra Sedgwick, Neal Patrick Harris and Brooke Shields, get ready for one of the best origin stories ever released!
If DC wants a good Justice League live-action movie, then they should take this movie into consideration. You already know the main characters, you know their friendship. What raises questions is how some characters like Flash or Aquaman came to be part of their great group and here you receive an answer to all of your questions. It is a wonderful movie and really great if you care for these heroes.

Ever thought about the existence of parallel universes? Guess what, they exist in this movie!
Lex Luthor is a hero in his alternate universe and he has come to our planet to ask for help from our heroes. Their evil counterparts have fought and destroyed all of the heroes and there is need for fresh blood to get a chance to destroy these bad guys.
This movie was great for several reasons. Readers always wonder, what would it be like if these heroes would use their powers for evil? We finally get an answer. There is also a form of poetry for the way the bad guys act. The aren't just evil, they are incredibly smart about it too. They have plans for the future and they have a reason for acting the way they do. Not to mention that you have to wonder, what if Luthor used all of that money for good? Like Batman or Green Arrow does. This is a great opportunity to discover a whole new side of these characters. Their counterparts bring out great things in them. And I don't want to spoil it for you, but they have a great plan to take down their enemies... and trust me, during the movie, you seriously doubt whether or not they are going to succeed! Check it out!

Can you trust your friends? You might be shocked... Vandal Savage is a freak of nature. He cannot be killed and he stayed alive ever since he was granted this power back in the Prehistoric era. He has stolen Batman's plans and this isn't good news as the Justice League was unaware that Batman had plans to defeat all of them if there ever was a need to. Savage had transformed these plans and made them lethal, making sure he would get rid of the Justice League once and for all. Of course they get to stop him just in time, but it seems that their trust in Batman has been destroyed forever.
This story is a great continuity to the previous movie. It isn't only readers who wonder if heroes will turn rogue. Batman was worried and took precautions, but only to be able to stop them if there is a need - Savage has taken it to another level. This movie I think is wonderful also because a lot of the bad guys from all the comics are here working together to defeat our heroes. So far the Justice League only had to defeat something big and very evil that needed all of them. In this case the story focuses on every individual and all of their fears and weaknesses. Again, you get to discover these heroes all over and it is just great fun to see them work together. It is definitely worth seeing it!

      Superman: "I only have one question. Do you have a plan in case you went rogue?"
         Batman: "I do. It's the Justice League."

Thursday, November 15, 2012

What's Next On My DC List? (Cartoon Movies) Wonder Woman & Green Lantern

Before I talk about the Justice League movies, I decided to crack down the last of DC cartoon movies that I think are worth mentioning. We had Batman (click here!), and Superman (click here!) so let us have two other strong characters of JLA: Wonder Woman and Green Lantern.

As the movie begins, we get a sight into why Diana's mother has decided to barricade her people from "men". She has killed her own son in order to stop a war. Life goes on on their little island called Amazon, however her daughter Diana seems to be curious about what could be out there. One morning her mother makes their island visible for a couple of minutes and a pilot crash-lands there. He needs to get back and Diana is chosen to accompany him. She finds out what an ugly place Earth really is, however, this gives her strength to make things better and help out.
Here we have an origin story, and we needed one.
I really loved this movie seeing that so far I had only read about Diana's adventures and unfortunately, except for one Superman/Batman movie, there aren't many stories featured on the island. I like the Amazons and for some reason, even though DC and Marvel both ruin their female heroes in live-action adaptations, they get them pretty right in cartoons. There is always this cliché stories of people who don't know anything about the world and although it is a really played out and annoying way of approaching stories - here they make it cute. Not so much time is spent of Diana wondering about the world, but showing that she was trained for this her whole life. Also, you know the main love story among the two leads, but it is not forced and that helped a lot. It is a great origin story! You don't need a dumb live-action TV show to know about Diana's background if ever a Justice League movie comes out: watch this movie!

This is the origin story of how Hal Jordan came to be a part of the guardians of planet OA and a Green Lantern himself. His job is to protect the Earth, and he is also the first human to be ever granted this opportunity. His first mission takes him on a journey to discover what happened to the guardian who's ring he inherited. Toward the end, he discovers that his mentor Sinestro has betrayed the guardians and has taken the power ring of 'fear', the only thing that can defeat them. What will happen?
The only reason I don't want to spoil the ending for you is that the only chance the Ryan Reynolds movie had to be good, would've been to rip off this movie, scene by scene. It let's you discover what kind of person Hal is and why this responsibility was dumped on him. You also discover a bit the other guardians and you get to witness the friendship between Sinestro and Hal. Sinestro is a mentor to Hal and the conflicts among them make Hal weak. In the live-action movie (click here to read my review!), you only get an after-credit scene with Sinestro wearing his new suit, but no explanation to why he would do that or why we should care... Basically, this is a wonderful origin story, so if there is anything you want to know about Green Lantern this is the movie you need to see!

Hal wasn't the only Lantern who ever doubted himself. He is now a mentor himself, and as darkness and a great evil is upon them, he needs to boost confidence into his student Arisia. He tells her five stories of five great Lanters before her who all questioned themselves. She finds the courage to speak up and realizes that she does have what it needs: it is all in the heart.
This movie is perfect for people who love Hal Jordan, but are also curious to get to know the other characters. After watching it, you don't think of Hal as the lonely type anymore. I mean that in the Justice League movie he is the only one to possess these powers and he uses them often. However, you get to discover that they aren't only soldiers but they are a family. Better yet, 'one for all and all for one'. It is a great movie with great stories. It is a real crowd pleaser for DC fans, trust me! Not to mention that Hal is voiced by the great Nathan Fillion!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Building With CsorEsz: Őszi Díszek

Szeptember vége felé mindenhol dísz tökök jelennek meg de sokan nem vásárolnak (pedig olcsók!) hiszen nem tudják, hogy mit kezdjenek velük. Igaz a híres Halloween ünnepnek már vége van, de ez nem ok arra, hogy szép őszi díszek díszítsék a lakásunk vagy házunk. Egy-két tipp és ötlet.

A pici dísz tököt (kb. 300Ft), ami kb. 8cm átmérőjü, például gyertya tartónak lehet használni. A tökben lévő nedvességnek köszönhetően szinte lehetetlen, hogy megégjen bármi is körülötte ezért sokkal biztonságosabb mint bármelyik másik gyertya tartó.

Miután levágtuk a tök tetejét, tisztítsuk ki a belsejét. Két verzió van, amennyiben vastag a húsa, lehet csak akkora lyukat vájni bele, amibe pontosan belefér a gyertya vagy pedig teljesen kitisztítani. A tetejét persze nem érdemes rátenni mert akkor se a fény nem jön ki, nem is beszélve arról, hogy el is fog aludni. Ezért érdemes mellé helyezni az összhang kedvéért.

Szép erős fénye van és egyedi hiszen nem ronda műanyagból van vagy rosszul festett kerámiából. Ez persze csak egy bizonyos dísz tökkel lehetséges. Nézzünk még egy példát.

Ez egy valamivel nagyobb darab, és nehezebb is, szóval nehéz lesz kibelezni, de mindenesetre ezt pedig ugyanúgy lehet faragni mint a nagy tököket.

Ha kitisztítottuk akkor nagyon vigyázzunk mert ezeknek a pici tököknek nagyon vastag a külseje. Szinte lehetetlen faragni, de a megfelelő késsel neki lehet esni. Még egy ötlet megsebezni a felületét köröm csipesszel és utána könnyebb belevájni a kést. Még arra figyeljünk, hogy nehéz vágni, de ha elkezd repedni akkor megy minden irányba a kés is... ebben az esetben nem segít ha erősen és gyorsan akarunk dolgozni, szóval nyugodtan haladjunk.

Én egy egyszerű kis arcot vágtam bele, de virág mintától kezdve bármit vághatunk bele. Ha valami szépet láttunk már vagy vannak minták a lakásban, akkor érdemes azokat rávarázsolni. Sima fekete filctollat vízzel egyszerűen le lehet mosni, szóval ha elsőre nem sikerül a rajz vagy a minta, akkor bármikor újra kezdhetjük, de legyünk biztosak benne mielőtt faragunk: nagyobb tököknél véletlenül kivágott darabokat fogpiszkálóval vissza illeszthetünk, de ilyen pici és vékony falú tököknél szinte lehetetlen megmenteni ha elrontjuk a faragást.

Asztali dísz, gyertya tartó, vagy csak a hangulat kedvéért is érdemes neki látni. Olcsó és egyszerű és mindenki, aki szereti a kis kézi munkákat az garantáltan élvezni fogja. A dísztököket, amúgy csokrokba, koszorúkba még bele lehet dolgozni és a gyümölcs tálak helyett pedig úgy mondott "őszi" tálat készíthetünk, ugyanis ezek hónapokig is elállnak szoba hőmérsékleten (de mindig ellenőrizzük, hogy nem penészednek-e). Remélem tudtam egy-két ötletet inspirálni!

Kellemes Novembert mindenkinek, és hamarosan jelentkezem a Karácsonyi ötletekkel.