Welcome to the seventh installment of #StalloneMonth, which I have to say, is my favorite time of the year! In February we look over the filmography of this wonderful actor, 4-5 movies at a time. This has been a fun project, and I will keep on going until I run out of movies to review! As we are still at home in various kind of lockdown, it is the perfect time to go and look at the awesome movies that - despite any ratings on movie sites - have the awesome, the one and only, the inimitable: Sly Stallone.
Cop Land (1997)
Freddy Heflin (Sylvester Stallone) is a sheriff of a small New Jersey town, as he could not apply to the police academy after having lost his hearing in one ear after an accident. He is considered to be a nobody, and the town, that is filled with NY cops, ignores him completely. Little do they know, that Freddy will not let anyone be above the law.
I have seen Stallone play several characters by now, as far as I can tell, when he actually portrays his range, people react badly, they just want him to be in non-sensical action movies. But Rambo is nothing like Rocky, who is nothing like Oscar and is nothing like Freddy Heflin in this movie. I truly adore this actor, because it does not matter if it is a comedy, an action movie, a thriller, he delives 110% percent every single time. This movie was fantastic, simply and straightforward, with the story and the casting being outstanding, and the slow and underrated sheriff portrayed by Stallone was in the center of it. What was exclusive about this movie is that you know that Freddie will figure it out what is happening, you are waiting for him to save the day, what you cannot see is that he will do it with his speed. And by that I mean, that Freddy sees everything, but he does not react fast, but that is what the action of the movie required from him. And still, he decided to do it his way, and the person that came to his rescue is someone he had already confronted about their illegal activities. That is the person that Freddy was: someone you cannot help but love, even when they become your enemy. There is something incredibly endearing about a very difficult story to stomach. That is a strange summary, but if you see it, you will know what I mean.Watch it? Definitely. This was a diamond in the rough for me, something I had seen posters of but never heard any reviews or mentions, despite the wonderful casting and the smart plot. I just cannot get enough of Sylvester Stallone.
That is the end of #StalloneMonth for 2021, thank you for staying with me while we went through these movies. A year from now I will continue this, until we run out of Stallone movies. February will always be devoted to this powerhouse of a man and his legacy.
Until the next item on my list!