Thursday, September 26, 2019

Blogger: 5 Things You Should Stop Saying When You Learn A Foreign Language

(Gurulj le a magyar verzióhoz!)
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I have been teaching one-to-one for over 7 years now, having had more than 30 students who studied both English and Italian with me, as well as having tutored in American culture and history. My students have passed their exams with a 93% of success, and that makes me very proud. But with every single student there is a moment, when they reach down the well of defeat and bring up 5 phrases that I cannot hear anymore without going insane... I decided to write these down to help future students, whether they learn with me or with any other teacher out there.

1, "I will never learn this." 
Somebody out there is saying the same thing about math. The other one about geography and so on... we all have different brains. Language might be harder for you, but just like those others who learned to pass in that one subject they believed they will never master, so will you pass it as well! People who have difficulty with certain subject will never get A-s on a test, but you need to remember, that passing is what is important, nobody cares in the end and they can never take away your success.

2, "How does anyone speak this language?"
Well, it might be strange to hear, but there is a native speaker who is failing grammar classes of his mother tongue... nobody said languages are easy, but we need to learn to put things into perspective. There is a reason that language developed the rules it did, and as a result, you can learn it too. And remember, sometimes a language is much easier to learn through movies, music and books, so if grammar is your enemy, don't let it defeat it. There are a hundred ways to go about mastering a language, don't stop until you find yours.

3, "I didn't do homework, but I will next time."
No, you won't. And that is OK! What you need to understand is that the teacher does not give a shit if you did your homework (*author's note: many organize their lesson plan around you having done your part and meeting halfway, but even then, we are quite good at improvising). Homework is not something we give you because we learned in school that that is what teachers do... we do it, because the way the learn a language is ONLY possible through practice. The minute you understand that homework is meant to help you, this will change. That said, there are indeed cases, when you did not have the time, and for that, I recommend phrase 4:

4, "Sorry, I am just tired."
Of course you are, you are either a student with 12 courses, or somebody with a full time job, or a mother of three, or a manager on whom people are dependent. It is OK, that you have a life. If we have an evening class, of course you are tired. If we have a class at 8 in the morning, trust me you are not sleepy, I AM the one who is SLEEPY. You are here because YOU need to pass a language exam or a university exam. On the day of the exam, you are there to be there 100%. You will do at least ten times better because you can concentrate on it and not have anything else on your mind. Teachers do not define your language knowledge based on bad performance... we see everything. Trust us, we believe in you a lot more than you believe in yourself.

5, "I won't pass the language exam."
You are right. With that attitude you won't. So change your attitude! Stop assuming your teacher/tutor hates you for making mistakes. When you make mistakes in your mother tongue nobody attacks you for it! You have the ability to comprehend another language, can't you see how beautiful that is? What if your grammar isn't perfect or that you need longer to remember words and expressions? Everything will be fine.

+1, "This might be stupid..."
It's not. Again, you might confuse two words, you might pronounce it wrong, in my experience, people who think they are about to say something stupid give me the correct answer nine times out of ten. Stop underestimating yourself and remember: you make simple mistakes in your  mother tongue as well. Even if you make a mistake, what you say will never be stupid. You are trying, and that is half the battle.
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5 dolog, amit nem szabad többet mondanod, 
ha egy idegen nyelvet tanulsz

Már több mint 7 éve tanítok privátban, több mint 30 diákom volt, akik velem együtt tanultak angolul és olaszul, valamint korrepetáltam amerikai kultúrából és a történelemből. Diákjaim 93%-ka sikeresen teljesítették vizsgáikat, és erre nagyon büszke vagyok. De minden egyes diákkal van egy pillanat, amikor nem bírják tovább és a csalódottság kútjából előveszik azt az 5 mondatot, amitől felforr az agyvizem... Úgy döntöttem, hogy összeírom ezeket, hogy segítsem a jövő diákjait, függetlenül attól, hogy velem tanulnak-e majd vagy bármely más tanárral odakint.

1, "Sosem fogom ezt megtanulni."
Valaki ugyanezt mondja a matematikáról. Valaki más a földrajzról és így tovább ... mindannyiunknak más agya van. Lehet, hogy neked nehezebb a nyelv tanulás, de csakúgy, mint azok, akik legyőzték azt az egy tárgyat, és azt hitték, hogy soha nem fogják elsajátítani, úgy fogod legyőzni te is! Emberek, akiknek nehézségeik vannak egyes tárgyakkal sosem fognak 5-söket szerezni, de emlékezni kell, hogy az senkit sem érdekel és a sikereidet senki sem veheti el.

2, "Hogyan beszél valaki ezen a nyelven?"
Nos, furcsa lehet hallani, de van egy anyanyelvű, aki éppen most bukik a nyelvtan órán... Senki sem mondta, hogy a nyelvek könnyűek, de meg kell tanulnunk a dolgokat perspektívába helyezni. Oka van annak, hogy egy nyelv kidolgozta azokat a szabályokat, amiket használ, és ennek eredményeként megtanulhatja azt bárki. És ne feledd: néha egy nyelvet sokkal könnyebb megtanulni filmek, zene és könyvek segítségével, tehát ha a nyelvtan az ellenség, ne hagyd, hogy legyőzzön. Száz módszer van a nyelv elsajátítására, keresd meg a tiédet.

3, "Nem csináltam házi feladatot, de majd legközelebb."
Nem, nem fogod. És ez rendben van! Amit meg kell értened, hogy a tanár le se szarja, ha a házi feladatod elvégezted (*szerző megjegyzése: sokan úgy szervezik meg az óra tervüket, hogy elvárják, hogy te megtetted a részed, és félúton találkoztok, de elég jól tudunk improvizálni). A házi feladatot nem azért adjuk neked, mert az iskolában megtanultuk, hogy ezt csinálják a tanárok ... csináljuk, mert CSAK a gyakorlás révén lehetséges egy nyelv megtanulása. Abban a pillanatban, amikor megérted, hogy a házi feladat célja, hogy segítsen neked, ez meg fog változni. Igaz, vannak olyan esetek is, amikor nem volt konkrétan ideje az embernek, és ehhez ajánlom a 4. mondatot:

4, "Sajnálom, csak fáradt vagyok."
Persze, hogy az vagy. Lehetsz egy diák, akinek 12 kurzusa van, valaki, aki mindennap 8 órában dolgozik, vagy egy háromgyerekes anyuka, vagy egy olyan menedzser, akitől az emberek függnek. Persze, hogy van életed. Ha esti órát tartunk, akkor természetesen fáradt vagy. Ha reggel nyolc óra van, bízz bennem, hogy nem Te vagy álmos, ÉN vagyok álmos. Azért vagy itt, mert nyelvvizsgára van szükséged vagy mert át kell menned egy vizsgán. És annak a vizsgának a napján 100%-ban ott leszel agyban és lélekben. Legalább tízszer jobban fogsz szerepelni, mert koncentrálhatsz rá, és nincs más dolog a fejedben. A tanárok nem a rossz teljesítmény alapján határozzák meg a nyelvtudásod... mindent látunk. Bízz bennünk, sokkal jobban hiszünk benned, mint te magadban.

5, "Nem fogom letenni a nyelvvizsga."
Igazad van. Ezzel a hozzáállással nem is fogod. Tehát változtass a hozzáállásodon! Ne feltételezd többet, hogy a tanár/ oktató utál téged a hibákért. Ha hibázol az anyanyelveden, senki sem támad meg érte! Képes vagy megérteni egy másik nyelvet, nem látod, milyen szép ez? Mi van ha a nyelvtanod nem tökéletes, vagy ha több időre van szükséged a szavak és kifejezések megjegyzésére? Legyen az a legnagyobb bajod!

+1, "Ez lehet hülyeség..."
Nem az. Megint, összetéveszthetsz két szót, helytelenül ejthetsz valamit, de tapasztalataim szerint azok az emberek, akik azt gondolják, hogy valami hülyét mondanak, harmincból huszonkilenc alkalommal a helyes választ mondják utána. Ne becsüld alá magad többet és ne feledd: az anyanyelvünkön is egyszerű hibákat követünk el. És ezek egyáltalán nem jelentik az, hogy bárki is hülye lenne vagy hülyeséget mondana. Próbálkozol, és az már a harc fele.

Friday, September 20, 2019

What's Next On My List? Atlantis: The Lost Empire

Having talked about all of these Disney cartoons that were simply underrated, I felt the need to include one of my favorites.

Milo is recruited by an old explorer to go with him on one last mission: that of discovering Atlantis. Milo possess part of a map, but the missing piece is the reason he could not venture out, nor did he have the funds. This old explorer not only gives him the rest of the map, but also a team that can help him see if there is indeed an empire lost under the sea. Once having reached their destination, the uncover a lot more than they bargained for.

I got this movie on VHS one summer, I think even a whole year after it actually came out, and I think I watched it back to back at least seven times in a row. I do think that I was fascinated by the nerdy guy getting the hottest girl. Not to mention that she isn't on of those princesses that needs saving... and ultimately, when you really look closer, Milo is only a hero at heart, but he is not physically superior to anyone, nor does he want to be. He is meant to be the brains of this operation and he remains just that. It is the side characters that step up and say out loud that there is a certain moral code they are not willing to step over. And when you think about it, this is not a kids movie... so far I have found that only those among my best friends who also have old souls in their bodies find this to be one of their favorites. There is lying, betrayal, the killing of a pensioner essentially, and well, magic, but the kind you really want to believe in. The general Disney message of: power creates monsters is still there, but there is so much more darkness surrounding it that I remember being scared. And if your child is scared, it is not a good experience for you either as a parent. Honestly, when it comes to how well an animated cartoon meant for a younger audience does at the box office, it is all about the person who has the money in the house, not the child... Another reason why all of this cartoons have adult jokes embedded as well. But being for a more mature audience does not make it any less of a great movie about a breathtaking adventure that makes you want to pack your bag and discover the world for yourself.

Watch it? I do believe this deserves a serious live action remake, and make it for adults. Just go nuts with it, dare to make it for a much older audience, and let us see where it lands. I do think I was too young when I saw it, but you see the main character and you love him and you feel his anger, disappointment, and being powerless in the face of evil. It is worth a re-visit if you haven't gotten around to it in a while.

Until the next item on my list!
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Cree Summer - Princess Kida
Corey Burton - Moliere
James Garner - Rourke
John Mahoney - Preston Whitmore
Phil Morris - Dr. Sweet
Leonard Nimoy - Atlantean King
Don Novello - Vinny
Florence Stanley - Mrs. Packard
David Ogden Stiers - Mr. Harcourt
Jim Varney - Cookie

Thursday, September 12, 2019

What's Next On My List? Takers

As a tradition, each year in memory of Paul Walker, I review a movie that he starred in as long as I run out. I miss him terribly still... he was truly one of my favorites. This is for you, happy birthday!

A group of professional robbers come across an old member of their team who went to jail for some of his side deals. Their old member, however has some beef and wishes to take revenge on the men who left him behind. Meanwhile, two cops going through their own personal trauma decide to dive into the last robbery the team committed and get pretty close to taking down the whole gang.

It still amazes me how this movie has not blown up. It has the biggest names, not just for 2010, but today too. Starting from Idris Elba, Zoe Saldana, Matt Dillon, Hayden Christensen, and Jay Hernandez. I remember back then that, I was hyped that at the time, my two favorite actors, Walker and Christensen had a movie together. And I don't want to force my female gaze onto the viewers: but OH MY GOD, Walker looks stunning gorgeous in this movie, like he was cut from marble. But basically everyone, I just... giving them dark suits, seriously, the designer deserves all the awards. These men were dressed in the best way possible and I couldn't look away. That said, going back to the movie itself... I feel conflicted, after watching it, but I do think that was the intent of the movie. Allow me to elaborate.
We see the "bad guys", the team of robbers, and at the same time the police officers, the "good guys", as they try to crack this case. And what we see is that the line between them is terribly thin. The bad guys might have money and the skills to pull off jobs, but they also have everyday problems: they want to be married, they want to care for their siblings, their parents and try their best to not harm anyone in the meanwhile. And then we can look at the cops: one of them breaks the law just in order to not lose his family. They are not rich, and they very well know the difference between good and bad, but life pushes them to a line where they don't know how to get back from. One neglects his family, the other would do anything to save them. So what is the line between good and bad? The reason I am conflicted about this movie, is that it puts a one villain to the story, who then makes everyone else look better, both good and bad guys. But I actually LOVE that I cannot wrap my head around my feelings in this movie, because that what life really is: complicated. It is impossible for me to decide if I was rooting for the right person and I like that. Our own moral compass might not always be the best way to proceed, it is, however, how we will proceed every time and in every case. 

Watch it? I think it is a wonderfully made movie with some incredible star quality on the screen. I think it simply went unnoticed and then it disappeared because of the terrible human being that Chris Brown turned out to be... and it is a shame, because the rest of the cast should have kept it afloat. I know, because if I went and cut out all of his scenes, this movie would still be awesome. Maybe they should do that...

Until the next item on my list!
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Paul Walker - John Rahway
Idris Elba - Gordon Jennings
Matt Dillon - Jack Welles
Michael Ealy - Jake Attica
Chris Brown - Jesse Attica
Jay Hernandez - Eddie Hatcher

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Blogger: My Completely Justified Hatred Of (Some) Vegans

Disclaimer: No, I have nothing against anyone's dietary choices. I have a family member suffering from gluten intolerance, and that is no joke. People like to leave out gluten when they are doing small diets, and it enrages me, because it makes people suffering from this actual disease (which has been proven to be the leading cause for stomach and intestine cancer) are not taken seriously. People keep making jokes about how stupid people are for shoving their allergies into your face, WELL, you would not hate on somebody with a peanut allergy, so STOP hating people who have allergies that cause harm within their body. The same way some vegans do not have a choice, and many vegan meals help people with intolerance as well as diabetic people, I understand the need for it and I appreciate. 

My beef comes from those people who think they have the right to shove it into my face. (Pun intended.)

Photo by mokra from FreeImages
I respect everyone who has their dietary choices, I have a lot of vegetarian friends, and I too choose what kind of meat I like to eat because I know that red meat is harmful in every way.  Actually, if asked, I crave a big fresh salad over any fast food option, always. I not only get that it is a healthier life style, but it can also be very tasty. The reason I know that being vegan is also good, is because I had discussions about food, I have read books on it, listened to interviews with doctors and so on. I do not wish to share my food preferences because I don't want to be "hip", or to showcase my superiority, in  this case, in comparison to the rest of humanity. If you do that, I hate you. I find that vegans as a whole approach everything from a wrong angle: they have become aggressive over the years and to me they are a nuisance because of this particular practice:

I am sick and tired of people taking a hammer to the outcome of a problem instead of trying to solve it at its root.

I read an article that a group of vegans stood in front of a meat fridge and ambushed people who wanted to buy meat products... they wanted to raise attention to the fact that the animals that provided them were mistreated. That's is indeed an important issue, but why the f*ck are you ambushing grandma who is trying to make meatballs for her only grandchild instead of petitioning against animal cruelty? You can't change a consumer's mind by being a bully! You can't lie in the middle of a store and "protest" the items they buy and sell and just wait for human compassion to kick in... it won't. The same way, and I am not afraid to make this comparison: by shoving pictures of babies into a woman's face who wants to go to an abortion clinic is NOT gonna make her change her mind. You have no idea why she has to do that, nor do you have any idea about a person's dietary choices. You can inform someone, you can approach them and share your concerns, ONLY if you are welcome. You can still make an impact, a far bigger one, by you yourself showing the kind of compassion that you are waiting from them. 

The issues some vegans are fighting for are very important, but the message is lost.

Photo by Eduardo Valderrama from FreeImages
You need to come up with sooo much better practices to inform people. Look at a math equation: if you don't get the result you should have, you don't go and check only the last step, no, you go back to the beginning and start again. Same with animal cruelty, you have to go back to the source of the problem! Teach this at schools to children, teach it in high school, teach it at university, it does not matter, but help change in some place other than by bothering grandma!!!! Inform people by approaching coffee places and restaurants to change their products to local farmers and markets, petition the government to help the little guy, so they can lower the cost of freshly produced fruits and vegetables, ask the farmers then to teach their costumers. Make MORE youtube channels, NOT about taking action, but about instructing people on how to change their diets. I understand that the consumer has an impact (you know, supply and demand), but we have to be smart about it instead of being aggressive. It is a little bit like religion to me: I care and love you when you wish to share, the minute you want to force it on me, I am going to be very upset, and I feel that way about many if not all vegans that I encountered so far (and I am sure that not all are like that).

And you know what? There might be youtube channels like that already out there but none of the reached me. And that is at the root of this problem, at that is what needs fixing.