Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Blogger: Viharban Ázott Sör

Nagyon sok részét bejártam már Európának, de nem az egész világot sajnos, de messze még a vége az utazásaimnak! Végül úgy döntöttem, hogy megosztom a középiskolai kalandjaim. Már írtam az utazásaimről ez előtt is, mint München és Velence, de mivel ezek a naplóbejegyzések mindig szembe jönnek, ezért gondoltam felrakom őket nosztalgiából, a barátaimnak és, hogy felidézzem a régi szép időket!
I have traveled all around Europe, not the world unfortunately, but I do have a bucket list! I decided to share my adventures from high school. I have previously written about my adventures, from Münich and Venice, but seeing that I have had these journal entries around I wanted to put them up, for nostalgia, for my friends and to just remember the good times.
Ho giá visto un gran bel parte d'Europa, anche se non tutto il mondo! Ogni tanto rileggo il mio diario dei anni superiori e mi viene sempre una dolce nostalgia quando ripenso ai camposcuola passati all'estero. Siccome ho giá scritto sul blog su altri viaggi, come Monaco o Venezia, volevo condividere anche queste.


MÁJUS 17: Szombat reggel 6.-kor indultuk busszal, csak 8 óra volt, az nekem semmi. Az Edina ült mellettem, a tanárok mellett ültünk elöl. Az akkori 12B-vel mentünk, ahonnan csak egy embert ismertem (aki végül nem jött). Sebaj, oda értünk rendben, a szállásunk egy lakótelepi ház volt, ami gyakorlatilag éppen össze omlott. A 11. emeleten laktunk, Edinával és két másik osztálytársammal voltunk egy szobában, sikeresen női tanárok a jobb, férfi tanárok a bal oldalunkon. Elindultunk be a városba, a főtéren, Staroměstské náměstí, megnéztük az óra játékot majd sétáltunk tovább. Elindultunk az operaház felé és átmentünk a Károly hídon. Eléggé egyedi élmény volt. Nagyon szép és a kilátás mindegyik irányba káprázatos volt. Egyik osztálytársammal elkezdett yo-yozni és szedett össze aprót magának, a többiekkel csak leálltunk és hagytuk, hogy a kilátás magával vigyen. Vissza tértünk a főtérre és mi leváltunk a nagy csapattól és a szabad foglalkozás mellett csináltunk egy videót a Laci telefonján. Majd megtaláltam az egyetlen souvenir boltot, ahol olasz volt a tulaj a főtér mellett egy kis utcában. Vettem is egy pulcsit, „Czech drinking team”, szép narancs színe van és szerintem a holdról is látható. Kapásból a McDonald’sban már vettünk is sört, mint minden jó Európaiban, lehet kapni alkoholt! Holott nem lett volna szabad nekünk, a kémia tanár szerint, a többi tanár csak vállat vont és közölte velünk, hogy van szabad program, nem? Igazából csak azt akarták, hogy figyeljünk oda. Azért este még elmentünk, de hát, amennyi pénz volt nálunk csak egy korsót vettünk és el osztottunk öten, de talán attól még jobb íze lett! 
MÁJUS 18: Aznap reggelre rohadtul hideg lett. Eső volt és szél és majd megfagytunk… a templom, Katedrála Sv. Vita, és a lépcső a toronyba volt a két legjobb dolog mert addig sem fáztunk. Mázli volt, hogy vettem a pulcsit előző nap, mert így a másikat oda tudtam adni barátnőmnek. Persze így is felfáztunk valamennyire. Kis ázott verebek voltunk, akik összebújtak, míg a templom előtt várakoztunk. Angol tanárnőm, az esernyője alatt, nevetett rajtunk, de nekünk semmi vicces nem volt benne, főleg az előző napi 28 fok után meglepő váltás volt. Viszont fent a templom toronyból a borús szürke színek mellett is gyönyörű volt a város. A házak tetői olyan erős vöröses barna színben pompáztak, hogy semmilyen eső felhő nem tudtam volna elvenni a színüket! Visszamentünk a szállásra felmelegedni egy kellemes séta után, az eső és a szél abbamaradt, de a nap nem sütött, a többiek tovább mentek, ezért sok mindenről lemaradtunk, de legalább nem fáztunk már este, amikor visszamentünk a nagy búcsú vacsorára. A Malostranská metró megálló környékén voltunk, és a parton még fotóztuk a Károly hídat, szép volt más szemszögből látni! Az étteremben kedvesen többet kellet volna fizetni mert a perec, amit kiraktak (40 embernek) azt is felszámolták, holott nem kérte senki és nem is fogyasztottunk. Még volt program, de mi visszamentünk a szállásra Edinával, egyedül akartunk sétálni és metrózni. 
Este meg minden a feje tetejére állt: mindenki szerzett alkoholt az osztályból és mindenki úgy gondolta, hogy ezt a mi szobánkban akarják elfogyasztani, a két tanáros szoba között. Mi persze nem ittunk, mert azzal voltunk elfoglalva, hogy vigyázzunk senki se bukjon le. Egyik srác gatyájából kiesett egy vodkás üveg miközben az osztályfőnökkel beszélt (aki ezt szerencsére nem vette észre), egy másik lány meg le lett cseszve az ajtónk előtt (mert majdnem kiesett az ablakból), de az ajtó nem záródott jól ezért mindent hallottunk… Konkrétan ott álltam és tartottam, hogy ne vegyék észre és becsapni meg nem tudtam, mert az ugyanazt a végeredményt érte volna el. És utána még az üres üvegeket is ott hagyták, ami azért volt jó mert a kémia tanár szeretett benézni… az ágynemű tartóba rejtettük őket és már lélekben bocsánatot kértünk a takarító brigádtól vagy 100x, és jó is, hogy oda tettük mert a tanárok rálestek a szemetes kukára.
MÁJUS 19: A harmadik napon Telč-be mentünk, egy kisváros délre Prágától, már közel az Osztrák határhoz, ahol semmi se történt, mert elfelejtette a szervező, hogy hétfőn minden zárva van… szóval múzeumba nem mentünk, hanem pár órát elverhettünk, ahogyan akarunk egy gyönyörű, de teljesen üres kis városkában. A tanárok ingerültek voltak, mert miközben mi is rendet próbáltunk tartani a szobánkban, ők közben a felsőbb éveseket kapták el enyhén ittas állapotban. Tanárnőimet megnevettetve oda mentem, hogy megkaphatom-e a legjobban viselkedett diák díjat, mondták az enyém :D Edinával egy óriásit sétáltunk, ugyanis egy vár mellett voltunk, aminek hatalmas erdője volt, kis patak, amit az előző napi esőzések miatt szép nagyra nőtt és kóbor duci cicákat láttunk. Még vettem magamnak sörös korsót, de azon kívül már csak a haza jutásra gondoltunk. Ezek mellett jobb lett volna egy harmadik nap inkább Prágában maradunk, mert ekkora már visszajött a jó idő.

Fotóimat a kirándulásról itt megtalálod:

Sunday, November 13, 2016


For quite sometime I have been looking forward to this movie more than any other Marvel film. Why? Simple. I am f*cking tired of Earth... I loved Guardians of the Galaxy because it had only 2% relevance to this godforsaken boring planet of shit... for a Marvel movie to get me interested it has to give me more than superheroes... I still haven't seen Civil War. And well... I decided to watch Deadpool while sad - as to let it cheer me up - and I only laughed at one joke. I got why people loved it, I'm not stupid, and although I believe it to be incredibly faithful to the source material it just wasn't a hit for me. Maybe I should watch it with someone who really liked it, or whilst I'm not depressed, but that is not the point. I need to be taken away from this world! The reason I love Star Trek and can't wait for Passengers is that it gives me something more! I already know that there are no superheroes, so give me something that will make me believe. And that is what I wanted from this movie:

The story is about Dr Stephen Strange, a neurosurgeon who is unable to operate after a car accident damages his hands. Not being able to envision any other life for himself, Strange decides to seek any and all help possible to get his hands back. This journey leads him to Nepal, where under the care of the Ancient One he learns that there is much more to the world than just medicine. He learns, slowly, but very affectively the ways of magic, but at the same time there is a disciple, Kaecilius, who wishes to allow dark forces to roam the Earth. Being dragged into the war, Strange is left to choose a side and he wishes to save all and everyone he can, but to do so he breaks rules and there are consequences to that...

"You always excelled, but not because you crave success, 
but because of your fear of failure."

Now, needless to say, I too wanted Benedict Cumberbatch for this role, much much sooner than any news of it actually happening came out. I remember first encountering this character in the Ultimate Universe and then again in games. I grew fond of him and well that facial hair... you gotta love any man who takes time to perfect a goatee or a menacing mustache! Patience is very attractive quality to me! Not to mention that... just look at the comic, look at him! Can you imagine anyone else playing this role? Ever since 2006, when I first encountered Cumberbatch in Amazing Grace, I felt that this guy is yet to be discovered. I am super happy that he did Sherlock because it was a great chance for people to discover him (and pretend that he was not mine first...), and thus rising to the occasion to play this role.
Now, let us actually discuss the movie. Where can I begin? What have you not heard yet? I could tell you about its brilliance, and how Marvel makes great origin stories, but I am certain you already knew all of that. What I look for in these movies, what catches my attention, is the things that might go unnoticed to others. As my friend was sitting next to me and she sighed every time they showed Nepal (she find herself there too, kinda like Strange!), I realized why this movie was better to me than many others: it remained relatable without shoving down our throat its message. There is so much clever dialogue, and so many quotes you are going to see over and over again for years to come, but that only showcases the beauty of it. Dr Strange actually takes you on a journey. He got his powers from reading and learning! You might love Iron Man, but you are no billionaire scientist, and you might even like Captain America, but good luck being him without the super soldier serum! Doctor Strange? Well, there is a world where you can become him and I find that to be a very comforting.
There were jokes, plot twists, a worthy villain... the villain. When you think about Marvel villains, they are always a small part of a bigger picture. And isn't that how it works in the comics too? :D Here is why Marvel gets it right and DC does not... One brings the comic to life, the other one gets actors to read out the lines from their most well sold comics. That is why Doctor Strange, who was in no way such a star as e.g. Spiderman, still made for a better movie than any DC movie will! What else? Love. Oh boy, I died a bit inside. This was, in my opinion, the most beautiful love story so far. It took cliché and played with it, and the fact that there was no declaration of love or 3 hour long make out session made it a lot more genuine than a 90 minute romantic movie ever could be. Oh yeah, and if you blame this movie for whitewashing, you clearly did not notice that 85% of the cast was NOT white...

“We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them.”

SPOILER TIME: The end credit scene showed Strange talking with Thor, who wished to ask for his help to get Odin back, because his brother Loki is a bit mischievous. Now... WHAT?! The end of Thor: The Dark World was Thor thinking Loki had died, while the latter actually took their father's place. When did Thor discover that Loki tricked him? Did I miss a Marvel movie? And which one was it? Also... like, if you did not know Mordo was a villain, your geek badge has to be revoked!

Watch it? Yes. Not because it is trending, or because it is a Marvel movie. Watch it because we have all been broken once, on the floor, begging for better days to come, or to find back to the good ones. And this movie shows encourages you to not give up. At least it did for me. And I loved every second of it!

Until the next item on my list!
_ _ _ _ _ 

Doctor Strange - Benedict Cumberbatch
Christine Palmer - Rachel McAddams
Kaecilius - Mads Mikkelsen
Ancient One - Tilda Swinton
Mordo - Chiwetel Ejiofor 

Friday, November 4, 2016

Blogger: An American Studies Major Weighs in on the 2016 Presidential Election

I do not understand what is going on in America. OK. That is not true. Prepare to be deeply offended by what I am going to write, but I do not wish to politically correct, I am simply expressing an opinion.

I have been an American studies major for over four years now. I know that does not seem a very long time, but that is only so on paper. I had been to the U.S. before, I grew up on movies and TV shows and articles and interviews on and about America; I care deeply for this country. I do. I see my future there, I see me... there. I believe it the universe's mistake that I was not born there, but then again, because of it I have an outside view and I like to make the best of that. I have been sitting on this entry for months now, and I can't hold it no longer.

Why the f*ck do you hate women, America? 

It is one thing to come down on Hillary Clinton, who has by far the most impressive political career behind her as any other candidate to ever run for office, but I do understand why some people are critical: She is running for office! You do have to be critical about her. I get that. However, abortion laws? Why is it easier to get a gun than an abortion? If all life is sacred, as some like to say, then giving people a weapon that takes that away should not be OK. If you want to avoid abortions, why don't you cover birth control the way you cover viagra? Why do you hate on women who come forward about rape? How many more men have to rape a women till you come to the conclusion that, perhaps, men do happen to force themselves onto women. I am not even going to bring up how they get less money for the same job because I believe that is just the last spit in the face of obvious gender inequality. I remember learning in U.S. history class that women and children had to be sent over to the colonies because only men lived there at the time. Women were needed to populate the colonies. There is no life without women, do you get that? I understand that you protect a fetus because there is still a 50% chance that they will become a man. I also get that sex is so much better without condoms, but hey, vasectomy! I also get you want to say no because it hurts your masculinity, but yeah, rape is still not cool! Nor have I ever met a 16 to 24 year old boy who was happy about becoming a father. Maybe I understand: religion. I know that for a candidate to have any possibility of winning they must have faith. Faith is important I believe that too, still... find me a page in the Bible that stipulates men have to be able to have both balls to live a full life (those who commit adultery don't have them already), if you want to use the Bible to attack women and gays and races.

Have you ever checked individual state laws?

Has anyone noticed how many states have decided to not accept those laws that only create destruction? Have you read that Hawaii has banned all plastic bags because of how they polluted the ocean? Hawaii gives a f*ck. I will not lie, they have stupid laws too, but goddamn it, they care. Why is it that things go to shit on a federal level? I don't care if the gun lobby pays for stuff, let them do it. But pretending that an Amendment made when you had to be able to defend yourself against bears and angry Brits would in anyway still be relevant in 2016 is just bullshit. I also want to ask, why is it legal in some states to have sex with your pets? It might be the same reason why they won't disassemble nuclear warhead sites: not enough people to vote for change. And that is the saddest thing about a democracy, when you see people become lazy. Funny thing is that people believe that change is hard, but it isn't. Change is the easiest thing in the world, you just got to want it! That is what people have problems with. And states that don't allow guns on playgrounds, states that ban materials that cause pollution, states who care about the environment, who acknowledge that science is not evil, who listen, who understand that "government of the people, by the people, for the people", are the states that one should look up to! That is what the whole country should strive to be!

What the f*ck is up with the media coverage?

I follow at least twelve to twenty American newspapers and well, everyday I read about how Hillary had 'emails'. That is it. No, it does not specify anything, it is just that the word 'email' has become so negative that Clinton and emails in the same sentence make people go nuts. And you know how I know that the Republican nominee was accused of sexual assault by 13 different women, some underage, or why he is going to court over abusing the money that came to his foundation? Because celebrities have taken to twitter to highlight that. Some people with common sense no longer allow for the media to drag someone down for something they have been cleared for over and over again. No tax returns, sexual abuse claims, known economic scandals vs. two email addresses. WOW. The media loves to dish on the kind of things that are happening to him right now and yet they are not, or only in very small part, focusing on that. It is sad when satire based news shows are the only things that show the truth. 

Who the hell would vote for the Republican nominee in 2016?

I can answer that one. He is not a politician. And you know what is sad? That is the only thing going for him and some people (here comes the offensive part), redneck, racist, misogynistic, homophobic idiots hang onto that one thing and have liked him because of his racist, misogynistic, homophobic views. And that is fine. It is fine because I understand that, it clear as black and white. My problem is with the people that say 'I'm gonna vote for him because I am Republican'. Yeah, but does he stand for anything that you believe in as a Republican? Is he religious? Does he go to church? Does he say anything that sounds like what you believe in? Does he represent your issues? Do you know about his plans are (beside them being great)? Did he say anything about his approach to the economy, conservationism, or basic biological knowledge of a woman's vagina? And I'll give you a pass and won't comment on his irrational behavior and total lack of understanding on how the world works, I will, however, take the time to apologize to John McCain, Mitt Romney and even Sarah Palin. And you know why I included her? Because she might be as dumb as any of the above mentioned voters, but know what? She did a hell of a better job representing your party. Conservative, religious, everything that should be basic requirement for a Republican. I might be liberal myself, because I have eyes that see the climate change (and don't make every scientist out to be the bad guy, with an obvious German accent!*), and I have a basic belief that dictates that we are all born equal, but I never hated a Republican for being a Republican. I do, however, hate him because he has so far offended every single ethnicity and gender available on the planet. And I am not saying that you should vote for Clinton. I am saying that if you want to vote for him because he is, uhm... Republican? Than you are a f*cking idiot.

*And your hatred of scientists? Here is were American hypocrisy is highlighted to the max. You might have hated them for creating the nuclear bomb, or whatever your excuse if for not trusting them this week, but you refuse to disassemble nuclear war head sights and you are the leading country in technological innovations. Which means that you take the iPhone7 and then spit in the face of its maker. How does that work? Explain America! Do you have any idea how much money you could make protecting the environment? Taking the time to discover that it can be just as profitable as the resources that are now destroying our planet. Money, money, money, I get that. Again, black and white, but for god's sake, educate yourself!

No, I have not mentioned the name of the Republican nominee because that is how little attention he deserves. What is happening in America could happen anywhere else, make no mistake about that! He is not a politician, remember that. If a country is tired of their politicians it is natural that they will wish to follow someone who is not. Then again, here comes my last concern.

Why do you hate your politicians?

You have a President who, against all odds, managed to do exactly what he promised. He is of color. Truly shame on him. But he has worked very hard, and if you don't see it, then you are unaware of your own country and the power of that country. Imagine a box match, you are alone against nine others in the ring. And you make it to the fifteenth round. You are dead tired, but hey, your odds were terrible and you made it that far. You can disagree with his health-care reform, his wish to open borders, his travels abroad and negotiations with other democracies, you can even hate his skin color. But you can't argue that he fought against the worse odds possible and came close to a K.O. several times and did not give up. Why? Because he made a promise. Made a promise when he was elected and fought hard to keep that promise. You are not allowed to hate him. There is no angle where you can justify that. And now, a woman wants to get into that ring with almost the same odds. You might call her crazy, but between the two candidates at least she understands the world she is heading into. And she did not give up. You have politicians who send dick pics, and get remarried four times, and steal, lie, don't understand how sex works or why it is stupid to have election day on a Tuesday, but they do not get at all the hatred they deserve for that. You pick on the ones who give it all up for you voters.The others? They get to run for office over and over again. No scandal is big enough to put them away for good, and Americans are great at being bullies, trust me, you deserve a medal! 

And yes. You might argue that I don't know anything, who am I to judge? And I can't argue with that. But if you ever feel that people should look up to you because you are America, remember, that as of right now? We all think you are stupid as sh*t.

Civil War, segregation, Spanish-American War, two World Wars, Vietnam War amidst a Cold war all in 240 years of independence. America let the worst thing that happens in your history from now on be that you once elected a woman for President. I wish that with all of my heart.