Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Blogger: Nem érdekel mire szavazol, amennyiben tudod, hogy mit csinálsz

We will have a referendum in Hungary on October 2nd, 2016, about whether or not we should stay in the European Union. I wrote a few sentences on it, and the jist of it that I don't care how people vote, as long as they promise to check what they are going to do to the rest of the country with their decision.
Avremo un referendum in Ungheria il due ottobre del 2016, riguardo alla nostra posizione nell'UE, se restare o andare. Per riassumere quello che ho scritto, dico solo che non importa chi come vota, basta che sappia cosa significherá la sua scelta per il resto del paese.
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MKKP plakát, Károly körút és Dohány utca sarkán.

Egy dologból már túl sokat láttam ebben az országban: tudatlanság. Mindenki hülye. Ne aggódj, én is az vagyok, itt nem másokat akarok lehúzni, vállalom, hogy én is egy nagy hülye vagyok.

Láttál billió plakátot, propagandát, szomorú történeteket, amik mind arra akartak téged rávenni, hogy 'Tedd azt, ami helyes', holott, ami helyes itt nem elég, hogy hülyeség, hanem immorális és rasszista is.

Rómában, a Via dei Cestari 34-ben van egy épület, mely az 1956-os Magyar Forradalom Diákjainak Kollégiumaként működött. Egy diktatúra áldozatai voltak fiatalok és egy jobb jövőt akartak. Mi állította meg az olaszokat, hogy ne küldjék el őket? Mi állította meg őket, hogy ne közöljék velük, hogy ez nem az otthonuk? Hogy ne nézzék őket neveletlen állatoknak, akik csak azért jönnek, hogy a hepatitiszükkel megerőszakolják az olasz lányok? Talán mert egyetemisták? Az kit érdekel? És ez lehetett volna Amerikában, Kanadában, bárhol, ahova egy magyar ember betette már a lábát egy szebb jövőt remélve.

Lehet, hogy félsz egy ismeretlen kultúra és vallástól, tudod mit? Mindenki fél. A különbség ott van, hogy, ahogyan azoknak a diákoknak sem volt szíve vágya felállni és elhagyni a hazájukat, garantálom neked, a menekülteknek sincsen. És félhetsz tőlük, utálhatod őket, meg van a jogod hozzá, de garantálom neked, hogy egy olyan kormányunk van, akik minden megtesznek azért, hogy kizárják őket úgy is. De ha mellettük szavazol nem a menekült jövőjét veszed el, hanem az enyémet.

Tudtad, például, hogy, amikor Anglia kilépett az Unióból akkor a font értéke lejjebb esett, mint a 2008-i válság alatt valaha volt? Hogy a szavazáson az öregek szívatták meg a fiatalokat, mivel az oktatástól kezdve cégeken keresztül a külföldi együtt működést csak meg nehezíti a jelenlegi helyük? HOGY TÖBB EZER ANGOL ÚGY MENT SZAVAZNI, HOGY FEL SEM FOGTA MIT SZAVAZ MEG? Hogy a legmagasabb számban keresett mondat a google-ban másnap az volt, hogy ’Mi az EU’?

Mit gondoltok miből van pénz a sok 'Új Széchényi Terv'-re? Talán a mi kedves politikusaink fizetik a zsebükből? És ha nem jön ’Brüsszelből’ a pénz, akkor honnan fognak lopni? Azt hiszed nem a mi adóinkat fogják csak növelni és növelni?

Itt vagyok én. És te. Vagy a gyereked, unokád, testvéred, barátod, bárkid, akinek az önéletrajzába kell már a külföldi tapasztalat, és még ha ki is jutna valahova, garantálom neked, kifogják őt nézni azért mert magyar. Lehet, hogy még szavazási joga se volt, amikor azaz Október 2 eljött; de ott lesz mindig is, hogy nem fog pályázatokat nyerni, nem fog tudni tanulmányaira pénzeket szerezni, nem lesz soha olyan szinten, mint egy ország diákjai, akikből profitálhat egy EUs ország. Gusztustalan, tény, de ez van. Ahogyan a mi kormányunk is csak a pénzt látja mindenben, hidd el mások is, és ebből a versenyből NE vegyük ki magunkat tudatosan!

Úgy őszintén, mit ért el valaha Magyarország azzal, hogy kivonta magát dolgokból? Földrajzilag is a kontinens közepén vagyunk! Hogyan gondolja valaki, hogy megszüntet kapcsolatokkal, egy rendszerrel, ami segít abban, hogy ne legyünk egyedül? És apám… hány éve vagyunk egyedül? Nyelvünknek nincsen rokona, hagyományaink elhalnak, már juhász se lehetsz diploma nélkül, és a nagy városba költöző se talál munkát. Az egyetemen van több csoporttársam is, aki örül, hogy ebbe az országba jött tanulni és soha nem akarom, hogy ettől a lehetőségtől megfosszunk valakit, akit a mi kultúránk érdekel, akit a mi történelmünk fog meg. Nem az a válasz, hogy elfordulunk és bezárjuk az ajtót. Soha a történelem során egyszer nem volt az a válasz.

Picivel több, mint 1200 emberről van szó. Egy 9.9 milliós lakosságban, ahol már nincsenek orvosok, tanárok, lassan diákok sem, és tényleg azon megy a vita, hogy 1200 embernek adunk-e otthont? Akik mellesleg nem is feltétlen fognak itt letelepedni.

Nem érdekel elmész-e szavazni vasárnap, nem érdekel, ha nemmel, ha igennel fogsz voksolni, tudod mit? Azt is leszarom ha a következő választáson is megint a rasszista és elvetemült katolikus (szarkazmus) Fideszt szavazzátok meg újra, mert nem érdekes. Még egy szabad országban élünk és mindenki azt tegye, amit a szíve kíván, csak előtte, szépen kérem INFORMÁLÓDJON ARRÓL, HOGY MI A KÖVETKEZMÉNYE A TETTÉNEK.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

What's Next On My List? 11.22.63

This show is based on my favorite book of all time and I was very excited to see what they were gonna do with it. When I found out that J.J. Abrams would be involved, I knew I was in good hands. I wasn't sure about the casting, but I do had an open mind going in to see the first episode, and by the end of this review the whole series will be over. So let us review:

Jake Amberson is a high school literature teacher whose friend Al entrusts him with a mission: to go back to the past and save President John F. Kennedy from being assassinated. His mission is complicated by him meeting the love of his life as well the past pushing back every chance its got. Not only does he not know what he'll do after the mission is over, but he questions whether or not he should do it all. The future doesn't turn out as it should, but it teaches him that just one person can make a difference.

11/22/63 was the first book I read from Stephen King and it became my favorite book of all time. I love time travel, especially the kind that is well thought out, not to mention historical fiction. You can see that the writer handled with care every scenario possible and thus ensuring a satisfying beginning, middle and an end. The book itself became a favorite because of the main character. Jake was someone I could relate to easily, both the writing and the teaching and his wish to make a difference. This wish to get up and do something with his life other than grading papers... I understand that. Sure, his adventures are not something everyone can handle, but his motivations and his will to fight through nightmares is something to aspire to. "Those days of substituting reacquainted me with a basic fact of my personality: I liked writing, and I had discovered I was good at it, but what I loved was teaching. It filled me in some way I can't explain. Or want to. Explanations are such cheap poetry." 
Jake Epping is someone who cares a lot, about his friends, his students, his love and just because of that it is very easy to relate to him.
Here's what I love about the book: besides the time travel, Jake's motivations and his drive to do everything he can to keep a promise, and finally his love for Sadie. And all these three were kept in the TV show. Of course there were some minor changes, additions and so on, but I always say that if the changes work within an adaptation then I am fine with them. Jake's character is multidimensional and there is an evolution to his personality which is very much important for the viewer to love his character as much as they would while reading the book. Once Jake gets back to the present, he is a different man, he is changed for good and it wasn't just an adventure for him. He lost things he didn't think he needed in the first place and has come back to a life that is empty. It might have been to begin with, but he is now conscious about it and that makes it even harder. "Can I really be thinking of risking the world - perhaps reality itself - for the woman I love?". Knowing that the love of his life lived a happy life is the thing that makes him able to give up on their life together.
One of the major changes was the addition of a helper for Jake, Bill. They meet when Jake tries to stop a man he knows is going to kill his own family. He is forced to tell Bill about him coming from the future and he takes Bill with him. The book was of course a form of diary and in order to make sure that the viewers got the monologues in the protagonist's head they were turned into dialogues. The way the story was changed was genius and it was written very well. So much so, I remember, when I re-watched the series with my sister and when I told her that Bill wasn't even present in any of those scenes, she couldn't believe me! The makers clearly used the source material very well and I have read Q&As with Stephen King saying that he preferred many of the changes and that reassures me in the feeling that this was a brilliant adaptation.

I highly recommend the book as well as the TV series. It is only 8 episodes, a perfect mini series with great characters, a great story, some tearful moments and a bunch of action. You get to love the characters, you get to fall in love, fear, fight for your life with Jake with the wish to risk it all to save not only the President of the United States, but the love of your life. Other than being a wonderful historical fiction this story truly gives a bit of perspective into how sacred every single life is. And we might fight as hard as we can to change that, but we don't always have the chance. This will always be one of my favorite stories of all time.

Until the next item on my list!
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Jake Epping - James Franco
Sadie Dunhill - Sarah Gadon
Bill Turcotte - George MacKay
Al Templeton - Chris Cooper
Marguerite Oswald - Cherry Jones
Lee Harvey Oswald - Daniel Webber
Yellow Card Man - Kevin J. O'Connor
Marina Oswald - Lucy Fry
George de Mohrenschildt - Jonny Coyne
Deke Simmons - Nick Searcy
Johnny Clayton - T.R. Knight
Frank Dunning - Josh Duhamel
Mia Mimi Corcoran - Tonya Pinkins

Sunday, September 11, 2016

What's Next On My List? Into The Blue

I made it a tradition of mine to write on Paul Walker's birthday a review of one of his movies. One for each year. The main reason for that is that I didn't want to rush with these. I still haven't seen his last couple of movies, because I don't want to run out... It might be foolish, but why hurry? This way I have the impression that he is still among us! So, to end this long summer that I had, I decided to go with a favorite of mine:

Jared and Sam live in the Bahamas with the dream of becoming rich by discovering the secrets of the sea. When their friend Bryce comes to visit they discover an airplane together and what seems to be the remains of a legend underwater. The plane contained a significant amount of illegal drugs, and being the only ones who knows where the wreck is, they become the target for the drug dealers who seek their stuff back. One of those is an old friend of theirs who mocked them for years for their lack of equipment, Bates, and who is now determined to make them get back his stuff. Not knowing that they have friends who can help them, they destroy both Bates and the remains of the plane. Once they are free from the criminals that were trying to destroy their lives, they come across what will be the discovery they looked for all of their life.

I'm not much into horrors, actually, I'm not much into thrillers either. I only watch them if one of my favorites is in it, and well Walker got me interested. I know that this movie is more of an action film, than a thriller, but with the music and well... the story being mostly under water and with me feeling the need to hold my breathe I was scared sometimes. Also they don't hold back when it comes to showing dead bodies and alike. The most gruesome parts were towards the end, but they left an impression nonetheless!
I really love this movie because not only it is action packed with great actors, but it also has a moral lesson in it. Sam's character never lets herself do anything illegal and even goes to the police in order to save them from the mass they created. Bryce spent his whole life defending criminals and feels that perhaps life owes him something for that, but losing his friends is not something he is willing to do. And in the end you have Jared, who spent all his life looking for treasures, only to realize that the most important thing was in front of him all along: love. It might sound a bit corny, but you have to admire how much these two loved each other. Life threw the best at them and even then they faced it together. I also loved how Sam kicked another man's ass! This movie had some awesome fight scenes. And well, everyone was either half naked or in a bikini! What could go wrong?

This will always be a favorite of mine. I recommend it highly as it will take you right to paradise. The action is good and the story is set up very nicely. You want to get into the water, you want to discover with them, beat those jerks around ad really... enjoy life. It makes me laugh, when you think about it, every place is really the same when you live there: work, taxes, police perhaps even traffic! But, still, I wouldn't mind living in paradise with them!

Happy birthday Paul Walker!

Until the next item on my list!
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Jared - Paul Walker
Bryce - Scott Caan
Amanda - Ashley Scott
Bates - Josh Brolin
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While here, check out the video my sister made from this movie. It gives you that paradise impression that I loved so much in it!