Sunday, August 21, 2016

Building with CsorEsz: Beads #5

So I am still making beads all year round as I haven't finished making everything I want in my arsenal. Not to mention that I am coming up with new ways to make them into gifts and you will see a couple of examples below! Use any of these patterns if you like them!

The holiday batch, these became coasters for a great party!

Christmas ornaments (use the circle pattern!)

Jack-O-Lanterns (use the circle pattern!)

Everything else:

Super Mario mushroom (blue)


Rainbow moustache

Toothless (How To Train Your Dragon)

Sherlock - I am Sherlocked

Minion (Christmas ornament)


Ma Anche No (from the italian, meaning: "Or Not" or "Also no!")


Also I made new things with the patterns I created, mostly notebook decorations, and they were a hit! I also adorned a frame for two friends who call themselves 'minions'. I'm planning to make others just like it!
Minion photo frame

Snoopy and owl notebooks

And finally I created myself a hero to remind me of the hero I want to be :)

The Flash

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