Saturday, December 27, 2014

Building With CsorEsz: Guardians Of The Galaxy Notebook

I wanted to make my friend something special, something that only she will have and so I came up with decorating a notebook. She draws a lot and maybe she will be able to use it. We also saw Guardians Of The Galaxy together and she loved it, so what else to do?

First you will need to choose a character. I looked for beads versions of tiny Groot and this is the one I made. Choose anyone you like after a quick google search, but if you want to use mine here is a picture to help you. I ironed it very thin, almost less than 1 mm, that is what you are looking for if you want to keep the notebook still practical.

What you'll need next is a hardcover notebook to decorate. I used an A5 size notebook and decorated it with a stock image of space. Again, use google. Yes, there are several copyrights you don't want to infringe, so either check the background of the given picture, or make sure you don't try to sell your notebook (!!!). You will also need a ruler and trusty glue, I also covered it all in transparent wrap before I glued the character onto the cover.

Now, I left a small frame on the notebook, giving the picture a white frame on one side and a black on the other. If you use an A4 image, then cut into half, it should perfectly cover both sides of your notebook.

You might need an extra hand to cover both sides well, as the glue sometimes plays tricks on you and you have to make sure you avoid bubbles.

After having glued both sides, wrap it. Please, don't avoid this step, because you'll need a stronger glue to attach the figurine and it might ruin the printed image you used to cover the notebook. Not to mention that paper only stays on a surface that these notebooks have for so long. To make sure it won't detach cover it. Look out for air bubbles! Afterwards, attach the figurine!

I thought that the right lower corner was very empty, so I printed the movie logo out and added it, to make it more professional, but I forgot to take a picture afterwards, so this is all I can show you now.

I hope you liked this little guide and that you will try my formula out! My friend really liked it, so it is a guaranteed hit! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask in the comment section!

I am Groot!

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